
Showing posts from October, 2012

Big Bang Alive 2012 in Malaysia

So there I was, standing among the midst of people. We stand from different races and different genders, but we all had one thing in common. We're going to watch Big Bang. On the 27th of October, a Saturday, 7 hours before the concert, I was already waiting outside Stadium Merdeka. Just like me, many other fans were queuing up at respective entrances. I bought a ticket that belonged to Category 3 and so yeah, I was alone. Let me tell you that waiting and waiting while squeezing with people is two different matters. The latter is much more suffering. After for don't know how long, the queue changed but still my category still hasn't gain access to the stadium. After all, we're still hours away from the show. You could say that I was quite front in front of the queue, and I was lucky to meet some people who are kind enough to talk to me. I don't know how to keep the conversation going, so all I did was listening and waiting time to pass. While waiting unde

The Handsome Side Of Biology.

LOOKEY GRAY FULLBUSTER IS LOOKING AT ME < 3 --- I once gave that title (look at blog post title) to my tuition teacher who taught us Biology, but he doesn't know that. Mr Jay (not his real name) teaches Biology (duh) at ERA for I don't know how many years and among all the teachers, he's the youngest I think. I can say he's quite good looking and he has a great personality. I first saw him when I went to a seminar for PMR. I was sitting far away so I couldn't really see his face. I just remembered he made us laugh a lot and no doubt, he's good at what he's doing. He works at the hospital too. When I came into Form 4, I attended his class and yeah, I thought he was handsome. Lots of girls liked his looks and even Mr Ding, the owner of ERA said he is handsome. A couple of my friend went crazy over him. I got over it after a few weeks. HE'S A TEACHER COME ONNN. So anyway, yesterday was our last class, you could say. Mr Jay never came on

From Earth With Love.

was the title for Dua Space's fourth family concert. I was a flower. I wasn't en pointe. I was jelly of the people en pointe. I wish I was en pointe. I wish it wasn't so cold. I wish I never hurt my foot. I was in misery. I was only following. I saw old faces. I never saw Ms Gan. I wasn't smiling. I was annoyed by the noisy kids. I was falling into despair. I forgot. I went to do warm ups on the cold tiles. I didn't speak for the whole day. I went to perform on stage. I wasn't afraid. I danced. I smiled. I was back to sorrow. I realized I came only for dancing. I was alone. I felt lonely. I wasn't sure of my purpose of coming back. I didn't know what I was doing. I was experiencing gum pains. I questioned myself. I have no real friends. I miss going en pointe. I want to go en pointe. I am never the same again. I'm cryin

Green Diet.

Epik High has made their comeback with the single 'It's Cold' featuring Lee Ha Yi. I'm not really a fan of Epik High but their songs are nice and somehow the female singers featured in their songs always have pretty voices. I only listened to Tablo's songs since he entered YGEntertainment. Not only the song is beautiful, the lyrics are perfect. --- Since my brother suffered health problems, my mother had made some changes to our diets.  It began with the decreasing of meat, mainly red meat like beef and more 'toxic' meat like crabs, prawns and some type of fish that I really enjoy eating. I never really opposed or anything, because she's the one who prepares our meal. I do miss meat. I love meat. They're delicious. In fact, I don't think I can live without eating meat. Don't get me wrong, I do eat vegetables. I eat both, part of a balanced meal, you know? Humans are omnivores, and I decided I should play that role as lo


I registered myself as a contestant in Audition's Beat Up Tournament weeks ago. I got a place and got into a room which consist of scary players. The song was later revealed to be T-ara's Bo Beep Bo Beep (128BPM). Since then, I had been locking my character in a room and played and played and played. Playing other songs will annoy me, strangely. Bleh, I was always stuck at 690+ Perfects and pushed myself to at least get a 700. Unfortunately my performance is inconsistent and sometimes I even get a 680. Yes, I get frustrated sometimes. Anyway, I trained for only two days. On that faithful day, all contestant gathered at the Event Channel and waited for their turn. Gawd, it was torturing waiting for the GM to announce our names. Halfway playing with a friend, GM announced the my IGN and I had to Alt-F4 out. The password was 123456. For every single round. Lack of creativity. Anyway, the game started and I missed oh what the Hanamiru oh I love you. I was panic