
I registered myself as a contestant in Audition's Beat Up Tournament weeks ago. I got a place and got into a room which consist of scary players. The song was later revealed to be T-ara's Bo Beep Bo Beep (128BPM). Since then, I had been locking my character in a room and played and played and played.

Playing other songs will annoy me, strangely. Bleh, I was always stuck at 690+ Perfects and pushed myself to at least get a 700. Unfortunately my performance is inconsistent and sometimes I even get a 680. Yes, I get frustrated sometimes.

Anyway, I trained for only two days. On that faithful day, all contestant gathered at the Event Channel and waited for their turn. Gawd, it was torturing waiting for the GM to announce our names. Halfway playing with a friend, GM announced the my IGN and I had to Alt-F4 out.

The password was 123456. For every single round. Lack of creativity.

Anyway, the game started and I missed oh what the Hanamiru oh I love you. I was panicking. I was used to play alone so when I saw five players dancing together, it was really distracting. Plus, knowing there's two pro players with me doesn't help much.

Surprisingly, Lime missed. I managed to overtook another player and tried my best. Later, another guy missed and Tikki emerged as the winner of that room. I'm suspecting there's someone who's not playing his real account. Anyway, I ended up as 3rd.

YOU DON'T KNOW HOW FAST AND LOUD MY HEART WAS THUMPING WHEN WE REACHED THE FINISHING MOVEMENT HAHAAHAH. I'm glad I can proceed to the next round and I think it will be there where I get kicked out. There are just too many pros in BU. I'm thinking the next song will be Lupin. Don't think it's You.

Thanks for wishing me luck. :)


How long has she stared at the black table. She herself didn't know.

Even with her ears covered, she could still hear the voices of people talking in the room. She listened to the conversation of the girls way at the back, the laughter of the boy who was very talkative and that voice she wanted to avoid the most, which belonged to the person who once meant so much to her.

It didn't really helped, when that person was just beside her.

She shifted her body and leaned towards the wall. It only had been her support for so long. She closed her eyes and tried to divert her attention away from all the noises. The close of the door ended all chaos momentarily in the room. She got up from her position and stared at the board.

Noises. More noises. Endless noises. It was torturing. It can't be done, she looked down and stared at the book. Words are trying to send her messages through the pages, but nothing could enter her brain. It was only filled with noises, noises, noises. Sometimes, it was only blank.

That voice. She didn't want to hear it.

Shut up.

She shouted in her own mind. She scratched her head. Frustrated that nothing had changed. That voice was still in the air, it couldn't be avoided. She retreated into her own shell, hoping time would fly by, so she could get out and be free from this suffering.

Things did change. Things weren't like this before. It used to be fun before. That voice was once music to her ears. Everything around her was once her, everything. The wall wasn't the only thing she depended before. It wasn't so lonely before. She wasn't alone before.

She raged. She cried. She moved on. 

Now all that's she doing is to wait. She will wait for one day, when she did not have to see people anymore. She will run away, preferably somewhere far away, where no one will bump into her.

She won't even bother to say goodbye. Yes.

Because that person never said goodbye anyway.


I don't plan to fix things, if you're gonna ask me. If the glass had already break, putting it back together will only cause me to bleed. I know it hurts. It hurt like HELL. Scars already existed in my heart, and I guess nobody noticed it. Nobody bothered anyway, I'm not gonna bother about it anymore anyway.

I rather buy a new glass, honestly.

I'm gonna leave everything behind. And I won't turn back.

Thank you and bye-bye.


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