Green Diet.

Epik High has made their comeback with the single 'It's Cold' featuring Lee Ha Yi.
I'm not really a fan of Epik High but their songs are nice and somehow the female singers featured in their songs always have pretty voices. I only listened to Tablo's songs since he entered YGEntertainment.

Not only the song is beautiful, the lyrics are perfect.


Since my brother suffered health problems, my mother had made some changes to our diets.  It began with the decreasing of meat, mainly red meat like beef and more 'toxic' meat like crabs, prawns and some type of fish that I really enjoy eating. I never really opposed or anything, because she's the one who prepares our meal.

I do miss meat. I love meat. They're delicious. In fact, I don't think I can live without eating meat. Don't get me wrong, I do eat vegetables. I eat both, part of a balanced meal, you know? Humans are omnivores, and I decided I should play that role as long as I live on this earth where Mother Nature created as who we are to be.

Then, my brother's health deteriorated. My mother had once again took action by buying organic vegetables as well as organic meat. They cost a lot more than usual, but they're free from chemicals which is actually good to our body. My mom changed her style of cooking which consist mainly of steaming instead of frying. Yeah, we don't really eat oily food. Gah, we rarely eat fast food now anyway.

 Just today, she announced to me that we're having vegetarian meals for lunch from that day onward. That means, we're only going to eat brown rice and vegetable. No meat. Zero meat. Not even fish. I let out a groan, but I ate anyway.

Like I said, I can't handle vegetarian meals. When I injured my foot, the doctor advised me to not take meat for a few days. I forgot the reason but that few days were a torture to me. I wasn't able to walk or dance like I used to, now you're telling me not to eat meat? Everything tasted so blank.

Honestly, if you were given two meals to choose, would you choose a leafy vegetarian meal or a meal that consist juicy, tender meat?

You tell me which is harder to resist?

Ahh, I haven't had steak for some time already.

I'm not against vegetarian, in fact I salute to those people who are able to give up meat. If I had a choice, I would never give up meat and surrender to the vegetables. You might see me eating a vegetarian meal, but not without me complaining to my mother how much I want meat to be prepared. And I will complain from the start of the meal till the end. That's just how I am.

I do not get why people choose to be vegetarian. The human body was created to secrete enzyme that digests meat, whereas our body aren't able to secrete the enzyme cellulase which digest cellulose, the thing that makes up the whole plant. So we're eating vegetables, and excreting it, without totally digesting it. Come on, we're not cows or goats. It's not like our body will reject meat once we eat it.

Rodents actually eat their shit. Please don't ask me to explain.

My mother told me to reduce eating meat to save the environment but I do not agree as I do not think the main cause of the destruction of the environment is eating meat. They say eating meat release carbon footprint and generate green house gases. But really, the bigger picture is human activities. Factories, vehicles, the production of plastic bags. We eat to live, what's wrong about that?

Some say eating meat is animal cruelty, because obviously you have to kill to get meat. I'm not gonna say vegetables have feelings too and we're all killing them and things like that. Since the era of the cavemen, human have been hunting meat to eat. In fact, long before we exist animals hunt animals for meat. Without meat, carnivores will not be able to live. Just look at the food chain, hunting for meat, it had always been like that.

Why change? To live a better, healthier lifestyle? I still think the main point is all about balance. Let's see, Japan has the most highest statistic for the longest living people and are they vegetarian? No, they eat fresh seafood as part of their daily lives. Fish, fish and more fish. It is proven that vegetarian live longer than those who consume meat, but seriously why would you wanna live so long. I'm only 17 but I'm already bored of going through daily activities. I don't wanna imagine myself living up to 100 years old, maybe having wild ideas like sky diving from the moon to the earth but I'm unable to do it because my bones are too brittle so sustain the impulsive force.

Congratulations to Felix Baumgartner for landing safely on earth.

Anyway yeah, I do not really agree the human race should change their diet to just consuming vegetables. We all will die anyway. It might reduce the risk of us getting diseases like high cholesterol and diabetes but really, there's no guarantee. Because we do not know what life is going to give us. I think I would rather die eating a delicious meal than living until 231 years old eating nothing but plain vegetables. Sorry, mum.

Gah, why isn't anyone becoming a fruitarian? Okay, I made this up but wouldn't even it be cool if we only consume fruit? It tastes hundred times better than vegetables. Oh, I miss eating honeydew.

Now, you are freely available to decide what to eat. I'm just stating my opinion. If you wanna be a vegetarian, go ahead. If you desire for a steak, go ahead, just make sure you eat as much vegetables and exercise enough. If you wish to be a carnivore, I suggest you to think again.

Oh and daddy, please watch out what're you're eating. I love the your concept of 'eating whatever you want' but please eat more healthily now. :) I'm sure mom will be talking to you about this anyway so, I LOVE YOU DADDEEHHHH.


I listened back to O2Jam music and gosh, I miss O2Jam so much.

O2Jam or Audition? Definitely O2Jam.


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