
Showing posts from March, 2013

SPM Results.

I was taking a nap when my phone suddenly buzzed. The vibration woke me up and I grabbed my phone which was beside me. It was a message from my dad asking for my SPM results. I guess he would know my results if he asked a day later. I thought it was very weird this year because we got the news of the day of taking our results on Facebook, sources from a Chinese newspaper. But then, I couldn't get any news from the Internet or from the English newspaper. In fact, the newspaper I'm reading only announced when we can get our results via SMS, which was the 28th of April, a week after the real date. I just searched the Internet for the date and -poof- suddenly 21st of March appeared on my screen. Before I got my results it was only showing about past SPMs results. Everyone already knew that it's the 21st of March when we can get our results but I wasn't really excited or nervous about it. I even thought of going a day later. Truthfully, I wasn't keen to see people

White Day Randomness.

I shall take the opportunity to reveal the identity of the user with the name 'Unknown' who commented on my previous post. (Click HERE to browse the post) It's SERUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. (HAI SERUUUU) I realized that in the comment section the words blend into the colour background and it's almost impossible to see it. I'm afraid I can't change the font colour, but I can't seem to find a way to change the background colour for that section. Damn you, Blogger. --- I'm really trying my best to update my blog weekly, but I'm living an uninteresting life so I don't know what to do now. In the end I came up with the things above, hmm. I'll try my hardest on my next post. *bows* --- Lee Hi is back. I mentioned her before when she just debuted, and yay she has improved a lot. Her voice is amazing as ever, and her facial expression is waaaaay better now, compared to her first MV, '1,2,3,4&#

Another Me.

It's so hard to impress you. So difficult to grab your attention. And it sucks that I'm doing nothing. --- Sometimes I wish I have another me. An identical person, an exact duplicate of me. From my looks to my personality and behaviour, another copy of me. So when the another me is standing in front, it'll be like looking into a mirror. I do not wish for a twin, because even twins have differences. If I have another me with me, I will know how I look without looking into the mirror. That saves a lot of time.  And if I have a bunch of my copies with me, we'll dress up in different clothes and I'll choose the best one before I go out. But then, my copies would want the best outfit too .. If I have my copies, we'll do a mexican wave. If I have another me as my friend, or maybe even a group of me as friends, I won't need to go through the trouble to understand each and one of me. I don't have to remember anymore birthdays, and we'll ce