Another Me.

It's so hard to impress you.
So difficult to grab your attention.
And it sucks that I'm doing nothing.


Sometimes I wish I have another me. An identical person, an exact duplicate of me. From my looks to my personality and behaviour, another copy of me. So when the another me is standing in front, it'll be like looking into a mirror.

I do not wish for a twin, because even twins have differences.

If I have another me with me, I will know how I look without looking into the mirror. That saves a lot of time.  And if I have a bunch of my copies with me, we'll dress up in different clothes and I'll choose the best one before I go out. But then, my copies would want the best outfit too ..

If I have my copies, we'll do a mexican wave.

If I have another me as my friend, or maybe even a group of me as friends, I won't need to go through the trouble to understand each and one of me. I don't have to remember anymore birthdays, and we'll celebrate together on the 11th of June.

I'll blend in easily, as everyone one of us has the exact personality. We'll tolerate each other's flaws and weaknesses, because everyone has it. And we'll understand each other's jokes, because we're on the same wavelength.

If I have the male version of me as my boyfriend, I know he'll be there for me because I know I'll be there for him. I will know what to get for him on our birthday (It sounds weird, haha.), and eating out will never be a problem, because we love the same kind of food.

If we're mad at each other, we'll know the reason why and what's on our mind. I really, really, really am tired of guessing other's people thoughts. Sometimes, I refuse to say anything because I'm afraid that I will hurt other people. But sometimes it's unavoidable and maybe I'll hurt the boyfriend version of me, and I'm sure I'll hurt myself too, so we're even.

If I have another me, we'll hug each other when we're sad. And she'll cry with me. Hmm, feels less lonely, yeah. And we'll talk to each other about our troubles and feelings, because I'm the kind that keeps what I'm really thinking, unless I'm with someone really close to me.

But then, even if I have 100 copies of myself, they are me after all. Talking to them, would just mean talking to myself. It would be like asking myself a question and answering myself. So I'm still by myself. And that sounds sad.


Don't say 'I love you' to someone unless you're sure you'll say it to them again and again and again, till you're old, hopefully.


Unknown said…
Heheheheh. *leaves a comment for fun*

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