SPM Results.

I was taking a nap when my phone suddenly buzzed. The vibration woke me up and I grabbed my phone which was beside me. It was a message from my dad asking for my SPM results. I guess he would know my results if he asked a day later.

I thought it was very weird this year because we got the news of the day of taking our results on Facebook, sources from a Chinese newspaper. But then, I couldn't get any news from the Internet or from the English newspaper. In fact, the newspaper I'm reading only announced when we can get our results via SMS, which was the 28th of April, a week after the real date.

I just searched the Internet for the date and -poof- suddenly 21st of March appeared on my screen. Before I got my results it was only showing about past SPMs results.

Everyone already knew that it's the 21st of March when we can get our results but I wasn't really excited or nervous about it. I even thought of going a day later. Truthfully, I wasn't keen to see people or return to my old school. I really didn't want to meet any familiar faces.

When I told my mom about that, my mom was confused why I wouldn't want to go on the 21st. She said I was weird and my brother asked when I had become so antisocial. My mom even told me she would cook my favourite crab if I went on the 21st. I really preferred my decision but decided to follow my mom's because it will be more troublesome to go a day later or whatever.

She comforted me that I can immediately leave after getting my results which was exactly I was planning to.

I went to school the next day, 15 minutes later than the supposed time. To my horror, the hall was swarmed with people. I thought they will distribute the results immediately but nooooooo, the school has so much time to set up a ceremony, announcing the best results.

I guess the school would be proud to announce good results (but the 95 students really suck if you compared with the 94s) but don't they know the people are really anxious for their results? Even if you get good results, you're dying while waiting for the person to announce your result. And if you didn't perform well enough, you get depressed by just hearing the announcement of other people's good results.

Waste of time.

Well, while they're announcing names that most people would already expected, I was happy for all the high achievers. But I was getting a little impatient because I really wanted to leave as soon as possible. After the ceremony ended, I went to get my result according to our class. Cheezeh is so pretty.

Yes, this gorgeous cosplayer is my childhood friend.

It was great to see my former classmates' face.

When it was finally my turn, my teacher asked what's my name because she already forgot. Hmm, I shouldn't expect much. She flipped some papers, searching for my name while I signed some things. She handed the result slip to me and I stared at it. Then I left immediately, not turning my head back.

The results I got was what I expected so I'm not really happy or really sad. I guess I'm disappointed that I couldn't get A for BM and Physic (I was really hoping an A for Physic) but I got an A for Biology which surprised me. My Chemistry is hopeless so I never fret about it too much.

I got home and my mom told me to SMS all my relatives. Later I also got the news of my cousin's result who was also the same age as me. The day went back to normal.

I think I'm most disappointed because my mom didn't cook crab for me like she promised me to.

Begone, papers.


It was one fine day when I spotted a Guitar room at AuditionSEA hosted by GMFrenchFry. I played two rounds and left because I'm sure people would want to play with the GM.

Well, there was also an even going on so it's normal to see the GMs. The event was called 'Audition Top Hits'. The first day was only playing Normal mode and the second day was the other modes, such as Beat Rush, Beat Up, One Two Party, etc. I was really hoping to be able to spam in one of the rooms on the second day.

Unfortunately, they were always opening different modes (I only wanted to play Beat Up) and I couldn't spam in the few BU rooms. But later I got in a BU room and owned everyone. I'm happy.


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