
Showing posts from August, 2013


This is basically how I feel right now. Anyway, I have been quite busy with university to the point I can't update my blog as freely as I used to. I have my e-portfolio that I have to update and that itself takes a lot of time. But it's not like I don't like the way things are now. I can say I am rather enjoying the it is. Because anything is better than doing Maths, like seriously, this is waaaay better than being in secondary. There are still things that I'm not really happy though. I have to deal with new people around me and let's just say I'm having a hard time doing so. Sometimes I wish I can just forget these people and duplicate myself so I can work with myself. Procrastination has knocked on my door plenty of times but I have sent it away for a few times, just enough time for me to complete my assignments. I still can cope with my life right now and I hope I can maintain that attitude as long as I live. I returned to danci

Pedal On.

Image My one week of holiday has ended and so life goes on. Well, I'm grateful I have that one week holiday, even though I don't celebrate Hari Raya. Or Singapore's independence day. I didn't do much during that week except for doing assignments, using the computer and probably sleeping. I slept early even though there's no class (can you believe it!?), because I know sleep is precious. Yeah, I wanted to get rid of my habit of sleeping late too. I did return to my hometown for one night and it's great to eat the food there. I'm happy to meet my cousins too. I woke up early over there too! It's really an achievement, okay. For my assignments I had to draw and color a self-portrait. I drew six sketches and I admit it was quite enjoyable to color even though I'm not a fan of coloring. It reminds me of the days when I'm primary and most of the times we used poster color. Then we often mixed the colors or leave the caps op


Woah, where do I begin. I have just ended my week two in university and I already in semester break because Hari Raya is just around the corner. Yeah, I know I'm lucky to have holidays right after I entered university. Well, a lot has happened since I enrolled to university. And there are a lot of things that I have to get used to because university is so different from high school. Almost everyday I tell my mom that university is so different and basically I tell my experiences in there. I'm actually very nervous in university. Maybe it's because the campus is so huge and there are so many facilities, or maybe it's because the people there are so friendly and so independent, or maybe the ways we learn from lecturers are different from high school. Or maybe it's all of the above. One thing for sure is I have to be independent and stop being so shy. Uggghh, you can't be shy during presentation or you'll just look super awkward in front of so many peo