
Woah, where do I begin. I have just ended my week two in university and I already in semester break because Hari Raya is just around the corner. Yeah, I know I'm lucky to have holidays right after I entered university.

Well, a lot has happened since I enrolled to university. And there are a lot of things that I have to get used to because university is so different from high school. Almost everyday I tell my mom that university is so different and basically I tell my experiences in there.

I'm actually very nervous in university. Maybe it's because the campus is so huge and there are so many facilities, or maybe it's because the people there are so friendly and so independent, or maybe the ways we learn from lecturers are different from high school. Or maybe it's all of the above.

One thing for sure is I have to be independent and stop being so shy. Uggghh, you can't be shy during presentation or you'll just look super awkward in front of so many people. I had my first presentation on my second day at university and yeah, totally nervous.

It's just very different. I don't know how to say it. We're no longer babies in high school where everyone are babies and our teachers will take care of us and everything is there within hand reach. Yeah, different.

Oh and guess what, now I have to handle two blogs. As I am typing this, I'm suffering from hiccups.

I guess one of the best things since I enrolled to university is I get to draw a lot. The course I'm taking has no need for Mathematics or Science subjects, which I am really please to hear about. The only problem was I had to spend a lot for art materials. That means lots of shopping, too.

As this line is being constructed, my hiccups are already gone after drinking so much water.

My class isn't really big and the girls greatly outnumbered the guys. There are many locals and a few foreigners and it's really a new experience. I'm not really that sociable but I made some friends and so far no enemies. Yet. Hopefully never.

I drive to university by myself (IT'S AN ACHIEVEMENT) and I still have to get up early like in high school. Dressing up can be a real pain because there's no certain uniform. Sometimes I spend a minute looking at my cupboard.

Well, the lecturers are interesting and they have their own ways of teaching us. I have a lecturer that locks his students out of the studio is they are late or if they don't bring their materials. On the first day of his lesson, more than half of the students were kicked out.

Anyway, I have many things to do and I should get rid of my procrastinating habit. I rarely play Audition now and I always have to check my timetables to see if university clashes with my Ballet lessons. I can't afford to miss classes from both sides.

Somehow, I never missed the days when I was free. I guess there's so much in my mind and everything is so different that I never noticed. I should enjoy this.


I wonder how will a driver feel if he saw a girl crying in the car beside him while waiting for the red traffic to turn green.

I wonder how does she felt when she saw her daughter struggling to open the door lock while crying.

I wonder how he feels when his family was torn apart while while he isn't there.

I wonder how she felt when she saw her student sitting at the corner, burying her face in her towel which was meant for sweat, not tears.

I wonder how he felt when he heard his friend crying, while not completely sure what's happening.

I wonder how does he feel, destroying the lives of everyone.

But wait, he doesn't.


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