Pedal On.

My one week of holiday has ended and so life goes on. Well, I'm grateful I have that one week holiday, even though I don't celebrate Hari Raya. Or Singapore's independence day.

I didn't do much during that week except for doing assignments, using the computer and probably sleeping. I slept early even though there's no class (can you believe it!?), because I know sleep is precious. Yeah, I wanted to get rid of my habit of sleeping late too.

I did return to my hometown for one night and it's great to eat the food there. I'm happy to meet my cousins too. I woke up early over there too! It's really an achievement, okay.

For my assignments I had to draw and color a self-portrait. I drew six sketches and I admit it was quite enjoyable to color even though I'm not a fan of coloring. It reminds me of the days when I'm primary and most of the times we used poster color. Then we often mixed the colors or leave the caps open till the poster colors are unusable anymore. Yeah, I've gotta take care of my poster colors now.

'Orange juice'

Lately, I have been searching for Japanese-translated-to-English quotes and although they're very simple and straightforward, I think it's better than the mainstream quotes you can find at the internet. Maybe it's because I can relate to most of them and they are able to express what I am feeling lately.

And I found a Tumblr that edits manga chapters and they're really beautiful. I can spend hours just browsing the pictures. The owner reads horror mangas too *gasps*

Yesterday night there was another badminton match between our nation's player Dato Lee Chong Wei and his long-time rival Lin Dan. Their last match against each other was at the Olympics which unfortunately, our hero has lost.

LCW managed to win the first match but during the second match it's really obvious that his judgement was terrible and LD kept scoring. I was very disappointed but still I cheered for him. At the final match, LCW suffered cramps and forfeited the match, allowing LD to win 17-20.

Then, people said it was because they turned off the air conditioner during the second match, causing the temperature to drop and affected LCW's performance. I forgot where I have read this but it said LCW could sense the cramps were coming at the second match. So maybe that's the reason for his poor judgement during the second match.

LCW was taken to the hospital. He wasn't even able to take his medal which makes me very sad. But you can't compare the sadness during the Olympics. When he lost at the Olympics, my heart was really broken. The whole nation was sad. Sad, just sad. It was like something died inside me and I couldn't stop thinking about his defeat for days.

Other times during less important matches, it was always clear who was the better player. I have seen many matches between those two and most of the time LD surfaced as the winner. But still, I will try my best to watch the lives and cheer for our LCW. I can get pretty excited when watching their matches, and often feel down after LCW lost.

I don't hate Lin Dan or anything, and I admit he's better than our LCW. China has always trained their athletes hard and it's only normal they are able to perform and win. Everybody wants to win, and in this world, the strongest will win.

Lin Dan is a successful player. He defeated many players standing in his way and won many gold medals. He is unstoppable for most of the time and in this sense, I respect him for being such a wonderful badminton player.

But Lee Chong Wei has managed to stand up after Lin Dan crushed him for so many times. No matter how many times he failed, he got up and faced his rival again and again. And that makes Dato Lee Chong Wei is unstoppable too. He might have lost, but his spirit was never extinguished. Honestly, LCW is the reason I'm proud to be a Malaysian. Seriously.

If I am able to meet him one day, I wanna thank him for playing for Malaysia.

But life goes on, hmm?


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