
This is basically how I feel right now.

Anyway, I have been quite busy with university to the point I can't update my blog as freely as I used to. I have my e-portfolio that I have to update and that itself takes a lot of time.

But it's not like I don't like the way things are now. I can say I am rather enjoying the it is. Because anything is better than doing Maths, like seriously, this is waaaay better than being in secondary.

There are still things that I'm not really happy though. I have to deal with new people around me and let's just say I'm having a hard time doing so. Sometimes I wish I can just forget these people and duplicate myself so I can work with myself.

Procrastination has knocked on my door plenty of times but I have sent it away for a few times, just enough time for me to complete my assignments. I still can cope with my life right now and I hope I can maintain that attitude as long as I live.

I returned to dancing after a week of holidays and I have became weak. Ugh, I had to dance four days in a row, all classes lasting for two hours. I have a right foot that is super weak and I feel like chopping my toes off. By the end of the lessons, my muscles would hurt so much that I walked like the crippled ghost/zombie from Ho Rang's horror webcomic.

I have an Ballet examination this year so I can't afford to slack. I will dance on my broken toes if I have too. But they just hurt sooooo much.

I'm blogging from my phone and the drawings are drawn with the tip of my finger, if you're wondering. It's a hassle to draw using the Bamboo tablet.

It's scary to think that my future depends on the course I'm doing right now. When I look at my friends like Seru doing the things that I might be doing it in the future makes me think a lot. Like what if I don't get a job. But now I have to think on how I'm going to survive this semester of 18 weeks.

I really hope I can survive this. But I don't wish just to survive, I want to live.

I'm enjoying this hahahahahahaha.


I miss talking to you.


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