
Showing posts from August, 2014

A Year Ago.

I'm back to university. Well, I'm starting a new course so I have to go through the things again like when I first started foundation. Things like orientation, getting the acceptance letter and dealing with irregular timetables are what I mostly did on the first week. Except, I'm super comfortable and familiar with everything. I was super nervous a year ago, because I knew no one at the campus. I was desperate to meet new people but it didn't really go well, huh. But now I went to orientation with my classmates from my previous course and yay, no awkward conversations. I did not made any effort to make new friends. Bad job, June. I was always the obedient kind of student growing up. I was never late for class, I never skipped class, I always did my homework (well, almost every time) and I certainly did not create trouble when I'm in school, tuition or university. But I went out of the hall before orientation ended and ignored the orientation leader when she sa


Shortly after I posted my last post about socializing, I was looking around at my blog and realized that I wrote so much lesser compared to the other years since I started blogging. I don't know how I blogged 94 posts at 2009 but to drop from 49 posts from 2013 to just 17 posts currently, it just struck me so bad. I'm kinda sad that I wasn't able to keep the promise of blogging more but I just wanna apologize if there's any readers out there who's always looking forward for my next post. I know there are people (maybe just a few) who constantly check on my blog. --- The first time I heard a Korean song was probably in my uncle's car. But the first time I heard of K-Pop is probably SNSD's Gee. I think I knew about because of there are some SNSD fans in my O2Jam guild. Anyone close to me will probably know that I support YG Entertainment more than others. If you ask me why, I'll say their different. I have no talent in music but you can't find


My niece turned a month old and my cousin hosted a buffet dinner at his house. I guess it's a Chinese tradition to celebrate but there's food, so why not? I entered the house and immediately greeted the people there (I think it's really disrespectful to ignore your elders). Their eyes were fixed to the television screen, broadcasting one of the many matches from the Commonwealth games. So yeah, I got ignored but it's really okay, because they weren't my family members so I don't expect them to respond to a stranger. And yeah, they're watching a game. I realized I had a problem with socializing with people, especially after I attended university. It wasn't like I couldn't open my mouth to ask someone something, but it's like I don't really want to talk to people anymore. Gosh, small talk sucks. Every time I meet someone new, I often stay quiet and only let out my voice once in a while. My excuse: 'I'm shy.' Almost every