A Year Ago.

I'm back to university.

Well, I'm starting a new course so I have to go through the things again like when I first started foundation. Things like orientation, getting the acceptance letter and dealing with irregular timetables are what I mostly did on the first week. Except, I'm super comfortable and familiar with everything.

I was super nervous a year ago, because I knew no one at the campus. I was desperate to meet new people but it didn't really go well, huh. But now I went to orientation with my classmates from my previous course and yay, no awkward conversations. I did not made any effort to make new friends. Bad job, June.

I was always the obedient kind of student growing up. I was never late for class, I never skipped class, I always did my homework (well, almost every time) and I certainly did not create trouble when I'm in school, tuition or university. But I went out of the hall before orientation ended and ignored the orientation leader when she said the talk wasn't over, and that's probably the most badass thing I did as a student in my whole life.

Good job, June. (It's a lame achievement, I know.)

Getting around campus is no problem for me. I remember I was looking for the classroom for my first class and I passed by without noticing it. Now, I know almost where everything is and I know how the university works so yeah, it feels great.

The first week was still pretty relaxing. I met some of my lecturers and so far they're okay. The most heaviest task given to us this week was preparing a PowerPoint presentation. But yeah, it's okay. We did so many presentations at the previous course so I'm definitely more comfortable now.

I know most of my classmates because we're all from the same foundation so I guess there's not much introduction I have to do. There are new students coming in but I haven't met them all yet. So far, there are more new international students than the locals. They're all nice people. I think. Maybe. I guess. I mean, I don't really know them yet. I hope I get to know them better, really.

A year ago, I would shiver in front of the class and introduced myself in a low voice. I would say I'm shy but I'm friendly. That is probably the best joke of the whole year. Who am I kidding, I don't think I'm friendly at all. I'm actually pretty awkward and sometimes even cold to new people, especially guys, I don't know why. It's not intentional but yeah, I have a hard time getting along with guys in real life.

But seriously, if I have to make an introduction again I'm just gonna be honest with myself. I was still trying to find out who I really was one year ago and I'm probably gonna be more sure of myself one year later but yeah, I know more of myself now.

I guess I'm kinda excited. So far the assignments I that I know sound quite fun. I hope it will be a fun ride.


Back when I was a kid and when PS1 was the one of the best thing you could get at that time, I used to watch my brothers play all the games that we had.

Let's not talk about how shitty the graphics were back then, game developers have come a long way and now they produce the most beautiful games ever. But the point is, how enjoyable gaming can be.

I always watch my brothers play instead of playing it myself, because I know I would suck. The only game I played on PS1 consistently was Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. I don't get to play as much as my brothers but I enjoy every second, just watching them go through the games, solving puzzles, beating the final bosses and just have some fun.

After a while, other gaming consoles like XBOX 360 and Wii came out, we did not get them because they were expensive. My brothers now stare at the computer more so I haven't touch a gaming console for years.

But now, thanks to YouTube and some very dedicated gamers, we have gaming channels where we can see people playing games. It doesn't matter if it's on PC or a gaming console, the internet has pretty much everything.

I did not watch any of those gaming videos until recently, thanks to Seru (he's always making me do stuffs related to gaming). We watched the videos of Uncharted 2 and we just finished the game play of The Last of Us. Both are by Naughty Dogs, yay!

Last of Us was really enjoyable to watch, and PewDiePie's funny comments makes it better. It's wonderful to see Joel go all out for Ellie and although Ellie's a really cute badass girl, I think I may prefer Joel, because he's just so cool, sacrificing everything and even lying to Ellie, so both of them can live normal lives.

I know Joel and Ellie IS OBVIOUSLY NOT A COUPLE, PLEASE PEOPLE. But they are definitely a great pair and they are just so adorable, like a father and daughter. I would like to imagine a happy ending for them even though I thought both the game and the DLC had a very unsatisfying ending. For me, at least.

But yeah, anyway it's good to see some good games for free. It's kinda like going back to my childhood and just enjoying the world of gaming.


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