
Shortly after I posted my last post about socializing, I was looking around at my blog and realized that I wrote so much lesser compared to the other years since I started blogging. I don't know how I blogged 94 posts at 2009 but to drop from 49 posts from 2013 to just 17 posts currently, it just struck me so bad.

I'm kinda sad that I wasn't able to keep the promise of blogging more but I just wanna apologize if there's any readers out there who's always looking forward for my next post. I know there are people (maybe just a few) who constantly check on my blog.


The first time I heard a Korean song was probably in my uncle's car. But the first time I heard of K-Pop is probably SNSD's Gee. I think I knew about because of there are some SNSD fans in my O2Jam guild.

Anyone close to me will probably know that I support YG Entertainment more than others. If you ask me why, I'll say their different. I have no talent in music but you can't find anyone who has a voice like Bom, and you definitely can't find people who write lyrics like Tablo. No one can deny GD produces good music either.

I'm not saying YG is the best and others can't produce good music, it's just that I prefer YG.

I once saw a EXO fan saying that Big Bang is shitty because they don't know how to produce music. I'll just leave that ignorant fan alone because I'm not an immature brat that bashes other groups.

Talking about bashing, I never knew that fans can get so harsh, leaving mean comments and starting fan wars till I saw some blogs in Tumblr. They post about their confessions and opinions about K-Pop groups and some are just naaaasty. I guess I just never pay attention to how fans think and I didn't even know that some Black Jacks can even go against each other. Sigh.

I like 2NE1 mainly because they don't have the sexy or cute concept. But now, even I can't deny that 2NE1 has change to a sexier image. Some fans said that people like me should get over the '2NE1 isn't the same anymore' shit and accept their change. Well so I did, and now I prefer Crayon Pop.

I don't understand how people can hate K-Pop artists so much and love some so much that it's just delusional. You only see them in the screens of your computer/TV/phone but they act like they knew them for their whole lives.

It's not like anyone of them killed your pet dog or sang until your eardrums literally break. I'm not afraid to say that I don't like SNSD's concept and it makes me cringe when I see girls acting cute but I never said I hate them. No. I just have a different taste.

If it makes anyone feel better, I'm just not into CL's new image either. She's still badass but I guess I'm just not into duck faces.

And let's face it, your dear oppas will never notice you or become your boyfriend or marry you and don't even think about them having your babies. I used to be quite obsessed over T.O.P but looking at other girls fangirling (and I mean the crazy over the top fangirling) made me realize how stupid it looks. I no longer stare at T.O.P.

For me, I think music artists exist to create music that are nice to listen, not for people to write fan-fictions and ship members together when it's just plain false. And I don't get why fans get upset when their idols start dating either. I mean, I'm beginning to worry if the Big Bang members never get married one day and end up being lonely guys. I think some fans are just plain crazy to have high expectations for their idols.

The fandoms in the K-Pop world is just a huge mess with everyone talking bad about groups. There are some good fans, like my cousins who love almost every group from different companies but the internet has more negative things than the positives. I seen many people bash 2NE1 but I'm glad there are people who think like me too.

So, I read fans' post about this and that and I realized how much I didn't know about K-Pop. I admit I only pay attention YG artists so I decided to browse some of the other artists' MVs. I still don't find anything interesting and only GOT7's 'A' got me finishing the whole MV. It reminded me so much about Big Bang's 'Lie'. I'm not saying they're copying Big Bang but that shopping trolley scene reminded me T.O.P.

I'm not super interested in rookie groups because I'm already really attached to Big Bang and sometimes seeing younger guys winking to me in MVs are just.. weird. Unfortunately, I wasn't excited about WINNER's debut and I hope Team B's debut can change my mind.

I'm kinda picky when it comes to the music I listen. To me, it has to be BAM! UGH, IT ALREADY SOUNDS GOOD AT THE FIRST TIME. But now even 2NE1's songs needs me to listen to them for a few times before they sound okay to my ears.

I know some of my secondary schoolmates who got over the K-Pop craze and I guess I'm just not that into K-Pop anymore. But I was never really caught up in the K-Pop storm anyway. I still prefer Japanese music and it's gonna probably stay like that for a while.



My degree course is gonna start soooooooooooon. Honestly, I'm not ready at all.

My brother is took the same course and he told me about what he did but I'm still kinda nervous. I mean, I'm supposed to work after completing this degree and it's not like I can afford to screw up at this point. I seriously don't want to grow up.

Gah, I took a two months break and it felt like the year end holidays that school students has. So now, I really have to get myself ready and brace myself.


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