
Showing posts from March, 2015

Earth Hour 2015

Soooo, I had my first week back in university and it was.. I guess things could have been better. It's the usual. Our timetables are messed up, we meet new lecturers and a bunch of new people. I have to mention that our timetables are really screwed up. Some classes can last until 10PM and they keep changing everyday! I admit I probably freaked out more than I should in this week, but it's just the first week. I should prepare for worse things that could happen. --- Well, I can't remember how many times my family did the Earth Hour every 28th of March. We didn't do it every year but I guess we participated the event for almost all years since we learned about it. Earth Hour is a worldwide event held by WWF, encouraging everyone on earth to turn off their lights on the 28th of March, 8:30PM to 9:30PM at their own local time. Well, I know my neighbours are not actively participating it but my family thought it was a good way to save electricity and have some fam

Free games!

It was one beautiful evening when my brother told me that a new game store was opening near our area. It was a grand opening and apparently they are giving away free games to the first 300 customers who are willing to camp in front of their game shop way before opening time early in the morning. The day before the opening, my brother actually told me that he suddenly felt lazy to go. He isn't an outgoing person and would rather stay at home but I convinced my dear brother that he could get the games he and I wanted for free. On the day of the opening, I got up earlier than I usually do because my brother knocked my door and forced me to be awaken from my wonderful slumber. But anyway, soon we were on our way to the game store. We left our house at 9:30AM, an hour earlier than the opening time. Due to the fact that the area has a lot of car repairing workshops, most of the parking spots are reserved with tyres or paint cans taking up the parking spots. We went around the area


I am not the most interesting person in the world, and I'm not the person you'll want to go to when you want to hear cool stories or interesting conversations. Well, you could try but I'll probably won't. I realized that I have gotten really anti-social since my semester break. Probably the most anti-social moment in my whole life of my history. Well, maybe I wouldn't diagnose myself anti-social but really I just don't like talking to people about stuff anymore. Or I'm scared, or just plain nervous, or just unwilling to share about things about me anymore. I'm guessing it's more of the third option there. I won't shut myself in my cone shell and seal myself away from human interaction, I will stand outside right beside my shell, a few feet away from you and listen to you as you talk about your (most likely more) interesting life and go back inside once you're done or when I decide I don't want to listen to you anymore. I say I'