Earth Hour 2015

Soooo, I had my first week back in university and it was.. I guess things could have been better.

It's the usual. Our timetables are messed up, we meet new lecturers and a bunch of new people. I have to mention that our timetables are really screwed up. Some classes can last until 10PM and they keep changing everyday!

I admit I probably freaked out more than I should in this week, but it's just the first week. I should prepare for worse things that could happen.


Well, I can't remember how many times my family did the Earth Hour every 28th of March. We didn't do it every year but I guess we participated the event for almost all years since we learned about it.

Earth Hour is a worldwide event held by WWF, encouraging everyone on earth to turn off their lights on the 28th of March, 8:30PM to 9:30PM at their own local time. Well, I know my neighbours are not actively participating it but my family thought it was a good way to save electricity and have some family time.

This year's Earth Hour was kinda a last minute thing for my family. I reminded my family about it few days before it happened and we didn't really have plans to do anything during that hour. Plus, my mom got sick the day before it so we couldn't really make big plans without her. My mom is fine now, thank you for asking.

But on the day itself, we decided to have a barbeque and my mom suggested we try to make our own cheese fondue since I was bugging her so much about it. BEST MUM EVER.

 It was raining realllly heavily before we started barbequing.

We got ready the ingredients and while my brother and my dad started the barbeque, I helped my mom in the kitchen preparing the cheese fondue. It was something my mum never tried cooking before, so it was an interesting experience.

I wanted to try cheese fondue so bad because I saw Sarang and mixed martial artist Choo Sunghoon enjoyed it during their trip in Hokkaido in Superman Returns. They seemed to enjoy broccoli a lot so I had to include it.

 Cooking the cheese in the kitchen..

.. and it tastes delicious as it looks!

We had a small grill but that didn't stop my dad from barbequing delicious food. We had sausages, squid and chicken meat and they all tasted delicious. Even though I have them quite often in my life, they tasted so much better that day. I wonder if it's because of the charcoal. Mmm.

My mom's cheese fondue was a success and we're all happy about it. The only problem was keeping it warm. We didn't have something like a fondue burner so we used candles, LOL! Well, it worked until the candle eventually melted away. But the cheese didn't solidify completely so I guess it was okay.

My mom also made watermelon juice and it was a really great meal.

Well, it was only after we finished meal when Earth hour started. During that hour, we talked a lot about events and experience from the past. It was great to just chill with my family after having a really good meal.

I also did the Chubby Bunny challenge for fun with the marshmallow we had. Basically, you try to stuff as many marshmallow in your mouth and each time you insert a marshmallow in your mouth, you have to say 'chubby bunny'.

I managed to stuff only five marshmallow into my mouth but I couldn't say 'chubby bunny' after the fifth one. I wonder how people managed to fit over ten marshmallow into their mouths. Anyway, it was fun and I made my family laugh so, yeah.

I don't like marshmallows, by the way. It was the first time I ate so many in my life, ugh.



After Earth Hour ended, we cleaned up the area and head back inside the house. My brother and I proceeded to play Life Is Strange together. My awesome brother downloaded it for me when I mentioned I wanted to play it. And he suggested playing together when my PC couldn't play it for some reason.

Aaah, I feel so happy just talking about spending time with my family.


Being a bro of the bro army, I watched almost all videos from PewDiePie. I watched his gameplay of the first episode of Life Is Strange and I enjoyed watching it so much. I waited patiently for the second episode of the game and I think I got obsessed over it. I even rewatched it again on Jacksepticeye's channel.

I'm probably gonna buy that game one day, even if my brother downloaded the first two episode for me already.

The game isn't pretty like Final Fantasy, even though it's published by Square Enix, and the story isn't really that orignal either, but there's just something about the game that captures my heart. I guess I love the settings and the music from the game.

I don't have a favourite character, but I like Chloe Price's hair a lot.


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