Free games!

It was one beautiful evening when my brother told me that a new game store was opening near our area. It was a grand opening and apparently they are giving away free games to the first 300 customers who are willing to camp in front of their game shop way before opening time early in the morning.

The day before the opening, my brother actually told me that he suddenly felt lazy to go. He isn't an outgoing person and would rather stay at home but I convinced my dear brother that he could get the games he and I wanted for free.

On the day of the opening, I got up earlier than I usually do because my brother knocked my door and forced me to be awaken from my wonderful slumber. But anyway, soon we were on our way to the game store. We left our house at 9:30AM, an hour earlier than the opening time.

Due to the fact that the area has a lot of car repairing workshops, most of the parking spots are reserved with tyres or paint cans taking up the parking spots. We went around the area and happened to pass by the game shop and whee, what do we see? A rather long line has formed outside the store and my first reaction was to get out of the car and queue up while my brother finds a place to park the car.

I waited patiently, under the morning sun with no sign of shade or no feeling of the breeze. My brother cut in the queue (thanks to me) after parking his car and both of us waited. Patiently. Soon sweating. And I was wearing black and my brother was wearing white. That's just extra useless information from that day.

Anyway, a staff worker from the game store began to give everyone flyers about the promotion available in this grand opening. Everyone made use of the flyer by folding it in half and began to fan themselves in this hot weather that this tropical country has.

During the moments we waited in front of another car repairing workshop, me and my brother talked. We made jokes. I sang a bit to annoy and confuse my brother. We were just trying to pass time while waiting for the store to open.

Finally, they opened up the gaaaaaates. Oops, doors. Transparent glass doors to be exact.

They allowed a certain number of people to enter the store first, so we still had to wait for a while before we could get in and feel the coolness of the air conditioner. We observed flowers shortly before we entered the store. That's just another extra useless information.

I forgot to mention that the gaming store's name is Impulse Gaming. They sell consoles, games, computer accessories, LEGOs and many more stuffs that I'm pretty sure I don't know about. Here's a picture of the store that was actually taken by probably one of the staff.

Anyway, we finally got into the store and we saw some people playing the consoles they have there and more people trying to get the game they want at the back of the store. It wasn't really chaotic and no pushing around so it was nice, I guess.

I wanted to get the Sims 4 but they only gave free Sims 3 expansion packs. My brother got the Shadow of Mordor and since I couldn't get the game I wanted, I helped him get Assassin's Creed Unity. We didn't buy anything else from the store so we decided to just leave.

 It was my brother's idea to include his hands.

But not before standing and waiting in line in front of the cashier, not knowing the fact that we could just leave the store with the free games we got. We waited for like 10 or 15 minutes like idiots. I noticed everyone else in line had something to buy so I wondered do we even have to check out the games or something. Turns out we didn't have to. We left immediately.

I wish we did leave immediately but my brother forgot where he parked the car so we had to walk around the area for a while. All the while I was carrying the two expensive games in my bag, I never felt so unsafe ever in my life, worrying that some thief might snatch my bag away and bye, free games. Oh, and my IC and money.

Fortunately we found the car and we passed by the store again when we head home. The queue was shorter but it is still quite long considering the fact that the store opened for an hour already.

 This is what happens when I don't use my drawing tablet.

And that is all. My brother finished his game in three days. *clapclapclap*


I'm finally heading back to university for my second semester after doing absolutely nothing for the past three months. I was kinda excited to go back but I went back to university a few times before today so it doesn't feel really long actually.

I became a rebellious kid today by skipping a class that probably didn't take any attendance but I do slightly regret it because I had to ask what happened in class. Normally, I don't. And it feels so, weird. 

My inner good student is dying to take over my body. But ain't nobody got time to wait for 4 hours for the next class. I had a nap so I feel good. I'm probably never going to skip class again.

 Hopefully, I'll have fun like the previous semester.


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