
I shall not be forgiven for not updating my blog. It's not that I totally forgot about it or I had no content to talk about, I just didn't do it and I'm guilty.

But here I am that's what matters, right? Right?


In my last post, I was talking about my internship and that was on week three. I'm currently on week 12, if I'm not mistaken and times flies, really.

Man, it feels nice to type about my feelings in proper English in essay format with correct punctuation.

I got to do a lot more stuff after that post and I'm happy to say I did some illustrations! But now I'm (most likely) stuck to animating till my internship is over. But I'm not complaining, I had it so much better than some of my friends.

But I'm dying to back to studying. Not looking forward to the working life at all.

Even with my internship going on, I'm glad I still managed to meet my classmates. Got to meet the girls to watch Train To Busan (CRYING) and another time when I went to visit TOA's final year exhibition where I got to meet an old friend too.

The last time we met was during the Art Expo which was really interesting. Wish we had more time though. We also went to try ESCAPE where I found out that I'm not that smart as I thought!

There's more of us but girls rock.

 I just can't wait to meet my friends more frequently after everything is over. We're nearing graduation and it saddens me thinking we'll probably going separate ways.


Something I was really happy about is that I managed to attend one of my cousin's wedding!

I always missed the weddings no thanks to assignments and studies. The worst thing is I could have gone to them if I wasn't so worried about my assignments and studies. Tryingtobeagoodstudenthere.

Without the burden of assignments, I got back to my hometown and spent quality time with my relatives.

Another thing happened is that I was one of the receptionist for the wedding dinner. I was kinda reluctant at first because I knew none of my cousin's friends/colleagues and I'm not good with people but I rolled with it anyway.

I'm glad I was with my cousins and one of my aunts and with their help, we managed to get everyone seated despite the poor arrangement in the name list and wrong table numbers.

I also got tipsy that day.

Hey look! The same dress!
I have things to talk about but I think I shall leave them for another post. It's a motivation for me to write more hopefully.
May life go easy on me.


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