Beijing 2008 :D


This time's olympic was located a Beijing, China. And I am sure all the chinese will be proud! :D
Yesterday was the openning of the great event. Nope, I didn't fly to Beijing but watch it at my house with Astro - THE BEST SEAT IS IN YOUR HOUSE. :O

The openning was AWESOME! Fireworks, performance are just great. The scene was ... I just don't know how to explain it. Great, awesome, excellent. WOW. I think all the performers practise for like, 10 months before that great day. Hard work. Eeks.

The openning also introduce other countries' people about chinese tradisional culture. But that took a long time, not getting to the main point - the olympic.

Blah blah blah, after some performance, it's the time the countries enter the stadium. There are over 200 countries coming in, so it took a long time. Slowly coming in one by one. I am sure the dancers are dancing until their legs are tired. They dance the whole way from the 1st country to the last one! :O

Then, they give speech which I didn't don't want to listen and I didn't listen :x

And THE MOMENT OF TRUTH! The torch came in. The crowd goes wild and the whole world is watching this scene. Oh my god! LOL.

The athletes pass the flame of the torch and pass and pass. Don't worry, the flame won't go out. The torch was created in a complicated way, which won't make the flame go off even there is rain or wind or below -40 celcius. Awesome right? :D

And when the flame was pass to the last athlete, he was carried high up in the sky with the help of the strings. He was carried up in the sky and he pretended to run like on the ground. Such creative ideas! I admire the creater of this idea :P

Then, he was ' running ' a whole big round around the stadium, and when he reaches the GIANT BIG torch, which was bigger than his, he light some kind STICK? and the fire lighted the big torch. AND YAY~ The crowd go wild again! Screams and shouts were heard everywhere~

It was a nice openning, and I am hope China can win this year's olympic x)


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