
Showing posts from June, 2010

27th of June - ERA Seminar

ZEH OWH MAI GAWD. --- Without your jacket, you will freeze to death at University Malaya for nine hours. I have attended this seminar organized by ERA, my tuition and all of us are expected to be served to the MAX! Just like what the boss of ERA, Mr.Ding says. After the whole thing, I would say it's not so bad, If the Indians didn't create chaos at the back so much and the guy behind me would stop kicking my seat or they could replace the boring English teacher. Other than that, okay. My brother and I went to the tuition centre because Mr.Ding offered my brother and his friends a job to help shoot a video of the seminar. My brother also wanted to see his old teacher again. The seminar helps us to prepare for our PMR and there's five subjects and five teachers. First, the boring English female teacher which I couldn't remember her name, Mr.Jay (The handsome Biology teacher), Mr.Suguz (The legendary BM teacher), Mr.Ragu (The History teacher is funny but made me sleep tea

21th of June - School Reopens.

Yeah, school has finally begun after two weeks of holidays. Not like I'm happy about it. I was just about to go back to sleep when my mother woke me up and I was like, aww. Bought a new pair of school shoes and it feels funny. Thanks to Yi Vien for the chocolates! <3 Got my results for some subjects and meh. I already got 2 Cs. Yi Vien is actually surprised that I am not affected by my results. I have nothing to say :D Why am I on the computer on weekdays? Because my mother actually allowed me. She knows I want to get a frog in Happy Aquarium, LOL. I have to log in for 14 days straight to get a frog and I have only two days left. Gosh, I love my mommy. No, SW, I won't quit that game ;lala I wonder why I can't upload photos to my blog anymore. It's damn slow or it doesn't load.


means dream. --- If you ask me, why do we dream, I'll have to say, I have no idea. I remember I once saw a documentary about our brain. It says that when we sleep, everything of our body still works, except a part of our brain. That part of the brain is the logic something, it turns off when we sleep and it's the reason why we have strange and stupid dreams. Though, my dad says it isn't true. To me, dreams are cruel yet enjoyable. It's the tricks of our own brain. Nightmares, a horrible scenarios in your head. Sometimes, bad memories turns up in your dreams too. And I heard from some people, that they can predict the future with their dreams. And if it's a bad prediction, you'll feel scared and afraid. Wonderful dreams, such pleasure for ourselves. Imagine you winning a jackpot, flying without wings, or maybe seeing someone you like. While they create great feeling to you, but when you wake up, you are smacked by reality. There

Trip to Peraaaak. :D

Err, this is long time ago but I was lazy. --- Before the trip to Perak I still went to the finals of the competition. I didn't made to the finals but still I had to support my friends. I just don't get it. Meh, I don't care anymore. I enjoyed the Category 2 and 1 performances. Both champions of Category 2 and 1 are awesome. Dua Space managed to snatch the first and second place of Category, which makes me very damn proud of my friends :) Everyone did a good job :) --- Well, me and my family went to Perak mainly because we wanted to go to Gua Tempurung. My aunts say that it's a great experience so why not? At some point of the cave the water level rises and at some point you have to crawl. And you'll get wet, soaky wet. But it's fun. We entered the cave along with a group of secondary students. Lots of, lots of, lots of them. They are, noisy. They, slow us down. At one point we had to slide down and because the amount of people was a lot and t

6th of June - The Final Journey

My life being crushed by the thing I always loved. --- Before writing this post, I was thinking maybe I could write about my journey and experience along my competition. And it should go like, Day One, Day Two and lastly Day Three. But there isn't a day three for me. Well, day three was the finals and I didn't make it. DAY ONE Only class work was given on this day. Before this day I had dreams because I was worried. I got the number 3 and I was suuuuper glad. At least I didn't have to go first on everything and I don't need to wait and worry for my turn. My friends and I were scared because we're afraid the freework given is going to be hard, but it turned out much more simple, unlike what our teacher gave us. So, that day, I am quite satisfied after what I have done. DAY TWO Which is, actually today as I write this post. It is also the semi-finals, they day they decide who will go to finals and perform their second variation. I had confidence towards all the Dua S