27th of June - ERA Seminar



Without your jacket, you will freeze to death at University Malaya for nine hours.

I have attended this seminar organized by ERA, my tuition and all of us are expected to be served to the MAX! Just like what the boss of ERA, Mr.Ding says. After the whole thing, I would say it's not so bad,

If the Indians didn't create chaos at the back so much and the guy behind me would stop kicking my seat or they could replace the boring English teacher. Other than that, okay.

My brother and I went to the tuition centre because Mr.Ding offered my brother and his friends a job to help shoot a video of the seminar. My brother also wanted to see his old teacher again.

The seminar helps us to prepare for our PMR and there's five subjects and five teachers. First, the boring English female teacher which I couldn't remember her name, Mr.Jay (The handsome Biology teacher), Mr.Suguz (The legendary BM teacher), Mr.Ragu (The History teacher is funny but made me sleep teacher), and the pitiful Geography teacher whose class was swarmed with noises because we can't wait to go home.

I would say that the most interesting class given was by Mr.Jay. Maybe because I prefer Science and he showed us many videos! :D And of course, he was good-looking. ;shy

By the time lunch arrived, I was almost starving. I ate McDonalds while PE ate KFC after we sat with each other during the whole seminar. We ate late so we didn't get to eat pizza ):

After the freaking freezing nine hours of seminar, it finally ends and everyone rushes to the bus to get home. Thank you ERA, for the food.


T.O.P has released his single, Turn it Up !

I had already dreamt him twice and about Big Bang once! Oh dear, I think I'm going crazy >__>

Watching the MV of his new release, I was actually jealous of the girls surrounding him! I am going crazy. :P


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