Trip to Peraaaak. :D

Err, this is long time ago but I was lazy.


Before the trip to Perak I still went to the finals of the competition. I didn't made to the finals but still I had to support my friends.

I just don't get it. Meh, I don't care anymore. I enjoyed the Category 2 and 1 performances. Both champions of Category 2 and 1 are awesome. Dua Space managed to snatch the first and second place of Category, which makes me very damn proud of my friends :)

Everyone did a good job :)


Well, me and my family went to Perak mainly because we wanted to go to Gua Tempurung. My aunts say that it's a great experience so why not?

At some point of the cave the water level rises and at some point you have to crawl. And you'll get wet, soaky wet. But it's fun.

We entered the cave along with a group of secondary students. Lots of, lots of, lots of them. They are, noisy. They, slow us down. At one point we had to slide down and because the amount of people was a lot and the girls are all scared they delayed a lot. BLEHASDLKJ12-39UD23049fmzxczdsfow.

Wants to upload photo but keep failing.

Anyway, the cave trip wasn't really exciting for me because I guess it is spoiled by the students. And the moment I was thinking other things than crawling in water and avoiding my head and back getting hit by the rocks.

What I did enjoy was lunch after getting out of the cave. My father suggested us to go white water rafting since we have time and we all agreed. We sat on a van and went to the Kampar river.

It was fun. At first both me and my mom were afraid. I was scared because I don't like water. We run through some test and they did capsize us. Bleh, water getting into my nose. But it was a great experience :3

Then, we checked into our hotel and returned the next day.


On my birthday me and PE went to Sunway. I bring no camera so no pictures.

Uhh, we ice skate, we watched a movie (Karate Kid is awesome but freaking long) and we bought comics. Which I think became a routine whenever we go to Sunway. Had a great time.


Wanna thanks everyone for wishing me. Happy that some people do remember my birthday. I feel kinda selfish because I thought some people would wish me. But meh.


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