
Showing posts from October, 2010


First of all, I want the whole world to know Rapbit and T.O.P are really good rappers. But I have thought for many times, which was better than the other? I LOVE both of them. I'm serious, so this is going to be hard. I first noticed RAPBIT 's amazing rapping skills when I came across his cover of Just Be Friends along with Zebra. Just when the song started, he rapped with an amazing speed and every bit of the word he rapped could be heard clearly. T.O.P really stood out because of his deep voice when I heard Lies in AuditionSEA. He was my favourite voice in that song, and a long time after that, I took notice of Big Bang again, and then noticed how freakin' handsome he was! xD Rapbit raps Japanese. T.O.P raps more Korean than Japanese. I love Japanese songs more than Korean. Here, I prefer Rapbit . I think loads of people know the face of T.O.P since he's Big Bang main rapper. And everyone know how famous Big Bang is. He's handsome and awesomely t

I'm sorry, daddy.

Daddy, oh daddy. I wonder if you will hear my calls, even if we are seas apart. Deep down I always know, you're always watching over us. Daddy, my dear daddy. what I will say might hurt you, so I'm going to say sorry. My request is to not worry, whatever things I might say. It's very hard, daddy, for I miss you too much, because your presence is our happiness. Even though we are trained like this, for so many years I couldn't bare your departure. I want to apologize, daddy, before I share a secret that might shake your heart. Please keep it inside and not tell anyone. Let only those who see this, silently keeping their thoughts to themselves. I'm so sorry, daddy, but I can't lie anymore. My brother who creates chaos in our family, successfully planted hatred in my heart. There is no more love, not even a simple like. I'm not going to lie, we're total strangers. I'm so sorry, daddy, but I can't handle it anymore. I'm sick sharing the same bloo

13th of October - Damn Happy I am.

That sounds, kinda weird. --- Yesterday marks the end of PMR, beginning of our freedom. As the last Chinese/Indian/Iban/Kadazandusun paper returned to the hands of the prefect, the whole school which was only filled with Indian and Chinese students stormed out from the school, going home to greet their computers. That was exactly what I have done, and I couldn't be much happier. The day after PMR was officially over, we still had to return to our school because we had to return our textbooks. It wasn't sad at all to bid goodbyes to our books, especially when they created great pain when we had to bring them to school. The rest of the school hours was simply all fun, fun, fun. Well, at least for me. All I did was playing UNO cards with my classmates, chatting with my friends, and finally settling down to read a book. I miss doing that. After school I went home with a really, really hungry stomach. Well, I know my close friends do read my blog so I'm not going to keep a secre

PMR Blues.

The not so important thing in our secondary school lives bought me down, along with other things that could affect all of us. --- PMR? Even if I didn't prepare for it, I think it will quite impossible for me to fear it. Because my mother decided to give me rewards if I achieve my goal of 7As, I only then put effort into the big test, thus making me fear of it. Especially the subject History, which was my weakest. But because I hear comments from teachers, former candidates and friends saying that the real thing isn't actually as scary as the trial, I don't really find the reason to be afraid of it. Honestly, deep down I still am scared if I couldn't get what I want. To make things worse, the Genting trip organized by our school was cancelled. The news was known a week before the big exam and instantly crushing our spirits. You see, all of us and I think all of the Form Three students have this "After PMR, I'll do ... " thinking. It is normal for us to plac