13th of October - Damn Happy I am.

That sounds, kinda weird.


Yesterday marks the end of PMR, beginning of our freedom. As the last Chinese/Indian/Iban/Kadazandusun paper returned to the hands of the prefect, the whole school which was only filled with Indian and Chinese students stormed out from the school, going home to greet their computers.

That was exactly what I have done, and I couldn't be much happier.

The day after PMR was officially over, we still had to return to our school because we had to return our textbooks. It wasn't sad at all to bid goodbyes to our books, especially when they created great pain when we had to bring them to school.

The rest of the school hours was simply all fun, fun, fun. Well, at least for me. All I did was playing UNO cards with my classmates, chatting with my friends, and finally settling down to read a book. I miss doing that.

After school I went home with a really, really hungry stomach.

Well, I know my close friends do read my blog so I'm not going to keep a secret. I miss drawing manga and I'm going to start drawing one. Now, one thing I know all my manga-drawing friends do is they never complete their mangas, haha. I'm the same but maybe this time I can do it, maybe I can't. I don't really mind.

But I wont' show it immediately, even to my friends. I need time, lol.

Anyways, after I had lunch I had the computer all by myself. Gosh, I love this and I hope it would go on forever.

Because my brother had tuition at 7, my mother took us out to have an early dinner. We actually decided to have bitter grout soup but we then changed our plans because my mother made a wrong turn. In the end, we had something at Secret Recipes.


The bonus of the day was Baskin Robbin's ice-cream. It that what they called the Pink Wednesday Baskin Robbins thingy? If wore something pink or have something pink, you have an extra scoop of ice-cream. My mother wore a pink shirt and my green shirt had pink flowers on it, so we had ice-cream.

But the most important thing was the Genting trip who everyone thought it was cancelled, was infact not cancelled! LOL. When we heard the news, flowers fluttered immediately. Okay, I'm lying.

I'm just saying that I feel so alive after PMR. I wonder if I would die if it was SPM.


Currently reading the manga Gakuen Alice. Watched the anime before, and it was okay. Read the manga, I just want more and more.

The thing I liked the anime more than the manga was because of the art. The anime art was much more, shall I say prettier than the manga? I mean, it was different from the manga but it totally captured Natsume's character.

He was more handsome in the anime too. *shys* Oh, what the hell, I am falling for a 10 year old non-existing boy who has an amazing ability of controlling fire, which was a total contrast to Gray Fullbuster who controls ice. :D


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