I'm sorry, daddy.

Daddy, oh daddy.
I wonder if you will hear my calls,
even if we are seas apart.
Deep down I always know,
you're always watching over us.

Daddy, my dear daddy.
what I will say might hurt you,
so I'm going to say sorry.
My request is to not worry,
whatever things I might say.

It's very hard, daddy,
for I miss you too much,
because your presence is our happiness.
Even though we are trained like this,
for so many years I couldn't bare your departure.

I want to apologize, daddy,
before I share a secret that might shake your heart.
Please keep it inside and not tell anyone.
Let only those who see this,
silently keeping their thoughts to themselves.

I'm so sorry, daddy,
but I can't lie anymore.
My brother who creates chaos in our family,
successfully planted hatred in my heart.
There is no more love, not even a simple like.
I'm not going to lie, we're total strangers.

I'm so sorry, daddy,
but I can't handle it anymore.
I'm sick sharing the same blood,
with the monster that kills my mother bit by bit everyday.
Heartless a person he is, destroying his own family.

Daddy, I'm so sorry,
I can't stand to be siblings with him.
Heck, am I even one to him?
Who calls his other friends his 'brothers' and 'sisters' with care.
Who sometimes even hit us, without any hesitation.

I apologize, daddy,
but my family is threatened.
I'm not an animal, but even I could sense that.
I can't stand to see it falling apart,
because of one single person.

I really don't understand, daddy,
why is he so different.
He who doesn't appreciate anything my mother does,
isn't grateful for everytime she saves him from falling off a cliff.
Instead, he's the one who pushes her off,
breaking her to pieces, leaving her at the bottom of the pit.

I know it's impossible,
but I wish you're always with us.
My mother needs your protection,
before anymore tears fall from her cheeks.
It's something even I can't help,
as I cry in the bathroom everytime a war begins.

Daddy, I'm not afraid to tell you,
I don't mind not being borned into this world,
if I could trade it for my family's happiness.
I know it may not seem like it,
but I'm dead serious.

I'm sorry, daddy,
but don't get me wrong, I love my second brother.
But for my whole life,
I never understand what's a big brother for.
A big brother that gives love, care to his sister isn't what I have.
A big brother that is willing to spend money on strangers,
and giving his sister nothing at all, is what I have.

Daddy, oh daddy,
I know he's your son, and he's my brother,
but he doesn't treat my mother and your wife well.
Maybe I'm still childish, but I don't see why I should care for him.

Patience, tolerance is needed to solve this problem,
but what I said if I lost all of these morals,
because he's the one who got me into this,
this hate-my-brother-till-I-don't-even-freaking-care state.
I really don't want this, but I can't change my heart anymore.

I'm sorry, daddy,
if I disappoint you as a daughter.
It may be a bad idea to post this,
but you don't know how much courage I gathered,
how many days I have waited to do this.

I'm so sorry, daddy.
I am thankful, for everything you had done for us.


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