PMR Blues.

The not so important thing in our secondary school lives bought me down, along with other things that could affect all of us.


PMR? Even if I didn't prepare for it, I think it will quite impossible for me to fear it.

Because my mother decided to give me rewards if I achieve my goal of 7As, I only then put effort into the big test, thus making me fear of it. Especially the subject History, which was my weakest.

But because I hear comments from teachers, former candidates and friends saying that the real thing isn't actually as scary as the trial, I don't really find the reason to be afraid of it.

Honestly, deep down I still am scared if I couldn't get what I want.

To make things worse, the Genting trip organized by our school was cancelled. The news was known a week before the big exam and instantly crushing our spirits.

You see, all of us and I think all of the Form Three students have this "After PMR, I'll do ... " thinking. It is normal for us to place PMR as our top priority and only then decide what we should so after that.

So sad, yet so cute.

For me, one of the things I was really looking forward after PMR was the Genting trip. I mean, going to somewhere far from home without your parents looking and just having fun with your friends, who wouldn't want that. This trip was the reason why we studied our ass off, so that we could finally enjoy.

And now it is gone. I read one of my friend's blog saying that the school is going to replace the trip to Sunway Lagoon, which I been to many times. But I don't mind, if it is going with my classmates and friends.

By the way, my current mood now is PISSED OFF. And why am I pissed off? I'm not going to hide the reason, because clearly it isn't my fault. Here goes my rant.

You call us noobs? Well, I call you a stupid big fat liar. Not only you owe us money, you lied to all of us.

You must be freaking rich to think that RM5 is just a note. With that money, I could fix my lunch. You must have used over RM50 just to have your lunch, rich bastard.

I clearly remember that the paper stated that you will return the money. But oh no, you used it to spend it on your own pleasure. Heh, you said it was for the birthday party, what birthday party? WE WEREN'T EVEN THERE to see our money fly away from our hands.

Throw us all of our money if you want, I will still pick it up. Someone like you who throw money clearly doesn't understand how important RM1 is. But I don't expect much from a person like you anyways.

I really didn't want to do this. I felt so much pain when I onced hurt your feelings. Some times what we say casually break people's heart into million of pieces. And since then I was trying to be nice again, minding the words I say.

But still your dirty habits of scolding people fucking noobs at your blog still didn't stop, I don't see why I should be nice to you if you mistreat my friends.

By the way, we have been taking care of your friend since our classmate flew to Canada, so I don't see if you have the power to order her to do everything. You weren't even there to be with her.

Now that I know the ugly side of you, which was not really surprising, who said I want to be friends with you now? Being friends with you will just destroy my cells, wrecking my brain and wasting my energy.

I dedicate this post for you, and now you have wasted my energy on you, I shall end this rant.


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