1st of February - Nervous Die.

Happy Chinese New Year to everyone. Let's hope the year of the Rabbit will bring everyone good luck and more ang paus.


Even school holiday had already started a few days back, I took time to play the computer rather than updating my blog. I haven't even finish my homework. Dear, me.

Anyways, I know the title of this post has problem - there's no such thing called 'nervous die' - but it's basically Chinese and English mashed up together. Do we call that Malaysian English?

The reason why I'm nervous and almost dying, it's because some events. Oh, do you know this is an AuditionSEA post? If you're not interested then run along now.

For the first time in my life, I joined the daily Arena Battle at AuditionSEA. You see, AuditionSEA is very unfair that they only conclude almost all modes except Beat Up, my favourite mode. Last time when they suggest the BU Arena, they even wanted us to gather an amount of fans. But in the end, we couldn't make it.

And it's even more shocking for myself because I joined the Guitar Arena, a new mode that I don't really like. But you could say I joined it for the Fam Points. -VSP-Club FTW.

I guess the reason I dislike Guitar Mode because I didn't really understand the instruction and played badly. But thanks to my dear friends, I finally understand and played a little better. I still dislike it, for your information.

During one of the rounds of Guitar Arena, you're seeing Mesha here.

I was so nervous that I could feel my heart thumping inside me, it's like it wanted to get out of my body. Everyoned eyed at the countdown located at the top right hand side of the screen and when the time ran out, everyone pressed a button to get tickets. It would be lucky if you joined a room with someone you know.

I am not good at Guitar mode. I struggle a lot. And it doesn't really help because the mode is complicated. The pressure is heavily added when you're facing tough, high leveled, *ahem*CASHY*koffkoff* opponents.

I was lucky that I made it to the 4th round. Off all players 58 players I ranked 51th, LOL. It wasn't a surprise that I got kicked out, so I watched my friends played instead. The final 7th round only consist 6 contestant, so sadly my friends were out too.

4000 Fam Points! ;flow

Our team info. Although I wanted a BU team, but a C team is okay too.

At 8PM that night, we entered the Expert Arena Battle. I hesitated at first because my Normal mode skills are just so ridiculous. And after the Guitar Arena, I think I could have a heart attack if I joined another competition.

But in the end I went there to gain FPs and the first round was a Crazy Freestyle Battle, which delighted me because I don't have to chance. But I ended up last and got kicked out. Only VSP's Fam Master made it to the second round.

Leveled up to Lv28 the next day. Failed once by one perfect. >_>

Well, will be heading back to my hometown so I won't be able to play Audition for a few days. Gaaah, Audition. <3


Woah, I rewatched an at least four year-old anime, Fruits Basket. I actually founded a picture of the anime while I was googling for penguins. The urge to watch it again got into me and I just did it.

Now I'm reading the manga, because the anime doesn't show all of the twelve zodiacs plus an extra cat. It's a wonderful shoujo anime. :3


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