15th of February - Yipee.

I'll follow the flow, if you want to.

But now your actions are so confusing, you left me standing in the middle of the way.


Yay, it's a holiday. A great day to not go to school and just relax. Seriously, right after coming up to Form 4, your whole lifes just seem to stressed to the core. I sometimes even have thoughts of just giving up, but that doesn't seem right. I can't choose that option, anyway.

Yesterday was Valentines day and it didn't really mean much since I'm a single. I rather be with my friends online or offline, LOL!

I supported my friends in the YE Club by purchasing a RM8 chocolate. It's expensive so I decided to share the expenses with another three friends. We actually wanted it delivered to my class but because we wanted to eat it at recess so we just grabbed it.

Thanks to HCH for this photo. <3

So, what did I do on this holiday? I went to catch a movie with my family. My aunt at Malacca gave us five tickets for a either a Hong Kong Movie or the Green Hornet.

We picked the Green Bee.

We had extra two tickets so my cousin, my another aunt, and my aunt's niece came along. Squeezed into a tiny car, we went to the Curve and rushed to the cinema. It was only two minutes left when we got the tickets. My brother went to the washroom so we delayed a bit.

For me, I really enjoyed the whole thing. It's exciting, action-packed and seriously funny. Even my mother who normally sleeps during a show stayed awake from the start to the end. If I'd given a chance, I don't mind watching it again.

The only down-side of this movie is Jay Chou's horrible english. Without the subtitles, I guess I couldn't make half what he's saying. But his character that he played was what I love. A Japanese inventor and a great coffee maker! :D

Here comes something random : I wish I get to sleep all day.


I feel guilty for not posting anything at my blog.

I catch up animes like Fairy Tail and Kimi ni Todoke, not to mention updated mangas. I draw when I feel like it and I play AuditionSEA when I can.

Whatever I do, it's not updating my blog. So I'm sorry for myself and I'll try to think of something to post and try not to procastinate it.



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