
Showing posts from May, 2011

False Excitement.

I feel kinda sad when shoujo manga don't attract my attention as much as last time. In fact, I get more excited when Fairy Tail or Magico is updated. And they're both shounen. Magico, my new favourite. I only read like, three shounen manga but I think reading anything other than romance could be nice. The epic battling scene, how the artist draw really hard fighting moves amazes me. But then if there is romance, it will be a bonus. And seriously, it's very hard to search for good shoujo manga nowadays. All I can find on the websites are genderbender (yuck), yaoi (let's not talk about it), plently of shounen and I don't like manhwa. You can call me picky when I'm reading manga. --- Ugh, how should I say this. Anak Malaysia rehearsals are cancelled and postponed till April, which is next year. Of course, I was disappointed because I was really looking forward to be performing on stage. And since I'm 17 next year and facing SPM, I don't think I have the fr

21th of May - Wedding Bells Rings.

You see, I'm in the middle of my school mid term exam and I'm still going down to Malacca, and rushing back home the next day just to attend my cousin's wedding. It isn't the first cousin of mine to get married but he is the second. It is big for my mother's family, because he was the eldest among all cousin who shares my mother's surname. Then, who wouldn't get excited by just hearing a wedding is going to happen? Not me. I had never attended a wedding of someone I know. In my whole recent life, I think I attended two weddings of strangers. I don't know how I got there, but I was just there looking at the dress the bride was wearing. My family were of course were very excited about the wedding, but I think they're more excited about the clothes they're wearing at the dinner. My mother and her sisters keep going shopping, choosing dresses and skirts, LOL. At least they're having fun. On the day of the wedding, we waited for my cousin to fetch

Thwee Weeekes.

I has spelling problemu. :D --- One week of examination has passed and there are two more weeks to go. I guess everything was okay. Don't ask anymore ;yo Going to keep things short so. Last Sunday was Mother's Day and I love my mother like always. Though I did did something for her. It was also the day I father left for the airport and off to work, again. I miss you, daddy. I am tired. Exhausted. I want to sleep for like eight or ten hours but now I think I can only sleep for six hours. Oh, six. Next week there are only three days of examination because Tuesday is public holiday and I have no idea why they want to test our PJK knowledge on that Monday. Nobody studies for that subject. HOLIDAAAAAY. I'm looking forward to it, badly. Three weeks of examination is pure torture, I tell you. I think I'm going crazy, but my brain isn't sensitive enough to trigger my panic senses. What am I saying. Ignore me. CHYUU CHYUU AIEYA AIEEYA AH AH. MADORYOSHIKA ! Ahh, I feel like

1st of May - Labour Day

Lalala, we're lucky to get Labour Day on a Sunday. Everyone who's working, you may take a break! Happy Birthday to Miko, Mesha's sister! --- Ahh, it's already May and my school will have their mid-year exam on this month. I'm fine with that, really. It happens all year, so it's really expected. BUT THREE WEEKS CONTINOUSLY LOOKING AT EXAM PAPERS? And this also applies to all Forms according to our school's diary. How can we have an examination for so long? I understand from Form 4 onwards, we'll have maximum eleven subjects, plus the useless ones like Sivik and PJK. So, I guess it's reasonable to take such a long time if we only take one subject per day. But Form 1 to Form 3 there are only eight subjects to study, how can they take three weeks? Well, I'm already Form 4 so I'll just ignore them. Exam, means study. For my whole life, I only studied once, and that was before PMR. Now there's only one week before the big exam and I''m