False Excitement.

I feel kinda sad when shoujo manga don't attract my attention as much as last time. In fact, I get more excited when Fairy Tail or Magico is updated. And they're both shounen.

Magico, my new favourite.

I only read like, three shounen manga but I think reading anything other than romance could be nice. The epic battling scene, how the artist draw really hard fighting moves amazes me. But then if there is romance, it will be a bonus.

And seriously, it's very hard to search for good shoujo manga nowadays. All I can find on the websites are genderbender (yuck), yaoi (let's not talk about it), plently of shounen and I don't like manhwa.

You can call me picky when I'm reading manga.


Ugh, how should I say this.

Anak Malaysia rehearsals are cancelled and postponed till April, which is next year. Of course, I was disappointed because I was really looking forward to be performing on stage. And since I'm 17 next year and facing SPM, I don't think I have the free time.

Gah, I got excited over nothing. I told some of my friends about the false news and it feels so embarrassing. I told my father and wanted him to come back to watch me, and now it's all gone. But it's okay, I still have the chance.

What pissed me off is nobody told me it was cancelled until I reached there and notice nobody was there. I waited there for a few minutes, wondering how could no one could be there. I'm thankful that there was a little girl there who told me that the rehearsals was cancelled. Thank you, little girl.

Stupid, how idiotic can this situation be? I called one of my teachers and she was surprised I wasn't informed. I didn't want to blame her because the news was given on Saturday, the day I performed at some place. I thought maybe I wasn't paying attention or something but I was clear I haven't heard a single word of it.

Then, I was told someone was supposed to inform me. To hell, he will go for not informing me such important thing. Causing me to waste my time, the car's fuel and my mother's energy. Bah, I never could stand him in the first place.


Played Audition. :D

Yesterday, my cute little sister managed to play with me and I'm really grateful she's willing to spend time with me. Seeing EARTHx3 was a bonus, as all of us wanted to know the reason of his disappearance.

The next day, met a new person and had a great time. Though, I was being bullied all the time ;sob. Fun times, fun times.

I'm having fun.


Wanted to post T.O.P but Bommie caught my attention first ;shy



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