21th of May - Wedding Bells Rings.

You see, I'm in the middle of my school mid term exam and I'm still going down to Malacca, and rushing back home the next day just to attend my cousin's wedding.

It isn't the first cousin of mine to get married but he is the second. It is big for my mother's family, because he was the eldest among all cousin who shares my mother's surname. Then, who wouldn't get excited by just hearing a wedding is going to happen? Not me.

I had never attended a wedding of someone I know. In my whole recent life, I think I attended two weddings of strangers. I don't know how I got there, but I was just there looking at the dress the bride was wearing.

My family were of course were very excited about the wedding, but I think they're more excited about the clothes they're wearing at the dinner. My mother and her sisters keep going shopping, choosing dresses and skirts, LOL. At least they're having fun.

On the day of the wedding, we waited for my cousin to fetch his bride from Muar to his home. Gosh, she was pweetay, I tell you, pweeeeetay. We then head over to my cousin's new house and the ceremony begins.

There was the tea ceremony and angpau giving thingy, and YAY lunch I was damn hungry. There were lots of flies, but everyone ate anyway. I was hungryyyy.

It was only at the evening the wedding dinner began. It was held at MITC, something like a convention hall. Everything was decorated beautifully and the place was quite huge. I liked everything before people started pouring in.

Helium balloons ! :D

We were the family of the bridegroom and we had work to do. I was assigned to guide the guests to their tables but I did nothing at all. I was afraid of approaching the guests so I was just standing there looking at the paper of the seats. Standing until my heels are sore. LOL.
Anyway, the hall was packed until my family didn't have seats. The dinner began and there were singers singing for hours and hours and hours. The people weren't really happy because they couldn't feel the aircon. And damn, the speakers were loud.

Basically, it was hours of singers singing, children playing with helium balloons, girls and boys taking photos, adults waiting for food, and everyone chatting. Quite boring, but it was a wedding dinner of my cousin, so I'm not going to say anything.


Thewhole thing ended at 11 and boy were we tired. My brother just dropped on the sofa and dozed off when we came home. Ahh, I didn't been to my aunt's house this trip because we were just too tired to drive the car there.

The next day, we went back to Selangor early in the morning. And I completed my Japanese Beginner lessons. :D


Last Sunday we were, I guess you could say 'tricked' by one of the teachers in my studio to attend an audition for Anak Malaysia. More like, we didn't know it was an audition. We thought it was a talk given by the founders of Dua Space.

Anak Malaysia was a production by Dua Space and it was successful. I enjoyed the whole thing, in fact I was moved to tears. It was about how the China people moved to Malaysia and lived their lives. Touching, indeed.

Few of my friends performed in that production before and they do want perform again. Since we're already in the audition so I decided to give it go. Besides, I don't want to look like not trying at all in front of the owners of my dance studio.
The main thing about this audition is they wanted to find main dancers for Anak Malaysia. Main dancers means dancing the exact same moves as the professionals, not dancers who don't really have a main role.

After the audition, they gave us a timetable for who are interested to join the production. Boy, it was packed, and it was during the June holidays. Dancing from morning till night, I thought if I did made it, I won't have time to play the computer!

But after talking to my mother about the auditions, I wanted to join Anak Malaysia even more. Even if I didn't get to be the main dancers, I wanted to perform on stage. But she said she wouldn't allow me if I didn't get to be the main dancer, bleh that isn't the spirit! D:

On Wednesday, the results were out but a teacher told me I was in. Oh, you don't how happy I was inside. But I didn't wanted to go cheering because I didn't know who else made it, and who didn't.

I always told myself to never get too confident, because it bought me down so many times. Deep down I wish I could be a main dancer but I just thought I shouldn't be thinking so much. Being in Anak Malaysia means so much to meeee.

Everyday I look forward for the practice, even though I won't get to touch the computer so often and I won't be free for many days.

But then ! I don't want to get so confident, LOL! What if I couldn't made up to their expectations and got kicked out? For me, the owners of Dua Space, who also are dancers are like people who are way out of our league. We can never compare with them as their like superiors.

We'll see. If everything goes fine, I will be performing on stage. Wow, I'm so exicted already.


The smell of ink rosed into my nostrils as I lowered my head on the table. My eyes flickered from the paper in front of me, to the watch on my wrist, and to the clock on the wall. I get paranoid when a teacher stand beside me for too long. The grip of my hand on the pen gets tighter when the clock strikes the last minutes.

If you have the symptoms stated above like me, I'm sorry but to tell you that you're facing something horrible.



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