H O L I D A Y .

So yeah, after three weeks of examination, we were given our mid year holiday which consist two weeks. So far, two days have already passed and I'm at my hometown right now.

Sigh, because of this, I missed the chance to support my friend in the TDS's Dance competition. I wanted to support so much but what the hell. I was even a free ticket but I had to decline. I was pissed off  honestly but oh well, there's nothing I can do. All contestants from Dua Space made it into the finals and I'm really happy for them.

I went to consult a specialist in bones during my stay in Malacca and I have been told I shouldn't expect to dance for three months. That's it, I'm done. I'm not gonna take my Advanced 1 examinations and I'm going to be slower than the girls in my class. I already lost the strength in my body and GUGH, my muscles are gone. This is the worst nightmare.

My brother bought a new laptop and I'm blogging now using his old one. I find it really convenient for me to play Audition, LOL. I just realized I can now solo tag hearts using this laptop. And now I can Audi anywhere I go. Just that if I have a keyboard that can Beat Up and Guitar it will be better.

Oh my gosh, it suddenly started to rain and it freaked me out. It was like the sky suddenly epoured a bucket of water on the roof of my aunt's house. It's late at night and it rained yesterday too. We rarely have heavy rain at night back at home and I'm not used to it.

Ahh, with my foot like this I'm stuck at home. I can't go to ice skating with my friends like I used to every holiday. They planned to go to Sunway Lagoon but it's impossible for me. I guess I'll use this two weeks to heal my foot. But it's a long journey.

I feel like changing everything at my blog.


Finally, you spread your wings and flew out of the cage.

I hope you don't get back into that mess again.


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