Road to Recovery.

I don't know is it me, or is it you all. I don't see the point anymore.

I rather regret not going to Tokyo Disneyland than to regret for not studying Physics.

Torturing yourself by sleeping so late at night and then to wake up even before the sun rises, just to flip through the books and then to close your eyes again. I don't know I should admire your effort or think that's sad. Sure, I know exam is all important and stuff, but do you have to go to that extend?

I know I have this personality, which I don't give a damn on how well I do, unless it's something I really like, like dancing. That's why when I remained neutral whenever I see my failed Add Maths paper. I know I should be like, 'AWW YEAH I GOTTA STUDY', but I don't see the point anymore.

Sigh, why should I do stuffs I don't like to do anyway?


How many times had I been here?

I looked at the pictures hanging on the wall. They had been there since I was five, and they probably aged older than me. They're still in the same spot, same height above the ground, talking about our stomach and how bacteria attack our body.

Clinics, I don't go to them much as I almost never get sick. And when I do it's a mild case and not worth going. Swallow some pills, have some rest and then I already ready to go. Yeah, I save my mother some money by not seeing the doctor. But then again, I don't get sick often.

Few weeks ago, I went to see Chinese doctors right after I sprained my foot. Not only it did not get better, it was still swelling like an inflated balloon and my assistant monitor kept poking it. People kept asking me if it hurts, and I kept telling them it didn't, it's just that it's really swollen and walking is hard.

Gah, how long before I can run and dance again?

After one week, with no sign of recovery, my mother finally took me to the Western doctor. My friends in school already advised me to see them, and they have been really a good help. I'm glad to have them and I thank you all, really.

Haha, I remember when I first sat down and let the doctor inspect me. I don't remember what he said exactly but it's something like, 'How the hell did you get yourself into this?!' It seems I have gotten myself edema because the previous doctors were massaging my foot and caused my vessels to swell. I got injected at the butt. Oh, dear why.

I had to skip school, total of four days. I broke my record. I had to reduce my walking, I can't take meat and I had to place my foot above stacking pillows. What makes me really confused is that both Eastern and Western doctors have a hell different way of treating my foot. I was so confused at that moment I did not know who to believe and if I should follow what they say. My father asked me if I was ready to chop off my leg.

So yeah, I insisted go to school and tution even with my poor foot condition because exams are around the corner and I just don't like the idea of skipping classes. I skipped school, tuition, Ballet lessons and Wushu club activities. I'm the damn secretary of the club! I hope the teacher isn't mad at me anything.

Thanks to some friends, I managed to get swelling down and FINALLY I could see the shape of my leg and yes I see my bones, yay. However, the more I walk and move around, the more it begins to swell again. And then my mother would force me to lie on the bed with my foot placed high, making me think the ceiling as the floor.

Just when it finally shrinked, I got allergy on my leg. Seriously, I had two jabs again, one on each arm because the doctor screwed up the first time. My foot has rashes and it isn't a pleasant sight. People would stare at my foot like it's an alien and it's so damn freakin' itchy. Looks like the previous doctor's herbs didn't really help much. :/

And so I was making frequent trips to the clinic. Almost everyday just to see the doctor. Even the nurse recognized me and foot and they would stare down from the desk just to see my foot. And then the stares I would get from other patients as I limp my way to the consultant room with that swollen, red, ugly looking foot. I got used to it.

I did an X-ray and fortunately there is no fractures or dislocated joints. Blargh, thanks to this incident, I had to depend on my left leg a lot. And because of that, I lost all my muscles of my right leg. Damn it, my right leg is so weak now that the muscle is loosely hanging around it's so disgusting. I can't even stand on my right leg for just a few seconds. How am I going to dance again? :<

So far, my feet is recovering and even the doctor said I was going to be okay. The rashes is still there and I still feel weak. I have to go down the stairs one step at a time and I am still slow. But I can walk more naturally now.

So yeah, that's it. I'm currently facing my mid terms and it isn't going so well, I guess. Two more weeks to go? I'm not sure, I don't know. Sigh, I should really change my habit before I really regret.


I can't stop this feeling.


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