
Showing posts from January, 2013


Before the night I had my driving test, I couldn't sleep immediately because I was on my bed remembering things like how to make a three-point turn, what to do when you go up hill, and the road I will be driving for the test. It was the day of the JPJ driving test. I was awaken by my mother and I was already nervous. I'm always nervous at home and I kept telling my mother that I'm afraid. Anyway, I had to be at the driving academy by 10.30AM. There are two sessions for the people taking the test. I'm in the second session. When I got there, there are many people in the first session already waiting for their test on the road. I was clueless where to go so I hung out a while with some people from my school. After asking the staff around and help from my friend, at least I know where I should stand by. The test starts at 11:30AM, and my number is 53. I really felt helpless that I can't really catch Bahasa Melayu well even though I have been living in Malaysia


It's the 16th of January, and it's my second brother's birthday. He's officially 19 now. Since it's his birthday I'll decidated a small part of this post for him. I love my brother, I really do. He's funny and comes up with so many jokes that I don't think there's one day that I'll laugh without him. When I'm with him, I'm being myself laughing myself silly. He's a real fun. Serious, I don't think I can live without him. Probably because he's only a year older than me, we understand each other and we communicate more too. Unlike my elder brother, my second brother is much more kinder and he's sweet. I'm sorry, the only thing I can think of him is that he's funny. Or maybe, not much people get our sense of humour. I guess I'm kinda worried about him. He's already 19 but he haven't liked any girls. I don't know, but to me it's weird. He basically has no interest in girls. None. Zero. Blank.


My Gray Fullbuster shirt from Chiang Mai! >w< --- Okay, so it's already 2013 but I started off the year with a fiction so .. does it feels weird? I don't know, I have been thinking a lot about what to post but I just couldn't bring myself to write something. I was writing a post about 'Rejection' but I couldn't write any much longer, so I deleted it. In the end, I gave up and decided to write what I have been doing after the new year. Well, honestly I have done nothing much. Curious what I did when the clock stroke at 12AM, the first day for both 2012 and 2013?  - 2012 - - 2013 - Well, while other people are out there partying, yes I was just staring at my computer screen. I don't see the point of going to a place filled with people and counting down the last 10 seconds of the final day of 2012 and then cheering and going back. Sorry :3 I don't have any new year resolution. --- I had just

Flame In My Heart.

Vince couldn't remember what his mother screamed at his brother, Dev as the gates of their house closed. He saw Dev slammed the door of their house shut, but not before shouting back some mean words back at his mother. And then the car engine roared to life, and his mother drove away along with Vince and his sister, Rylee in the car. 'What a useless child! He isn't grateful for what his parents had done for him. After raising him for so many years, he dared to treat me like this!' Vince wasn't sure how many times his mother had ranted about the same thing for the past few years. But he chose to stay silent and listened to his mother. Rylee started to gave out long and heavy sighs. She always did it when Dev and their mother started to fight, and when she started to rant. The sighs had always annoyed Vince, but he didn't want to interrupt while his mother was talking. He took out his earphones but only plugged into one ear, leaving another ear unoccupied to l