
It's the 16th of January, and it's my second brother's birthday. He's officially 19 now. Since it's his birthday I'll decidated a small part of this post for him.

I love my brother, I really do. He's funny and comes up with so many jokes that I don't think there's one day that I'll laugh without him. When I'm with him, I'm being myself laughing myself silly. He's a real fun. Serious, I don't think I can live without him.

Probably because he's only a year older than me, we understand each other and we communicate more too. Unlike my elder brother, my second brother is much more kinder and he's sweet. I'm sorry, the only thing I can think of him is that he's funny. Or maybe, not much people get our sense of humour.

I guess I'm kinda worried about him. He's already 19 but he haven't liked any girls. I don't know, but to me it's weird. He basically has no interest in girls. None. Zero. Blank. KOSONG. Or maybe he just doesn't show it to our family. But then again, he's a very bad liar.

Anyway, I would like to thank my brother for taking care of me and making me laugh everyday. It's wonderful to have him around. And thank you very, very, very much for killing cockroaches countless times when I did nothing at all but just freaking out.

Me and my brother.
That's our dad behind us. He's a fun guy too.


Hmm, so I have already attended three driving lessons in the Perfect Driving Academy. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a nice picture of the academy's logo which is a red car that has a face so you'll see nothing for now.

Even before the lesson, I was already telling my brother and my mom how nervous I am. I don't know, I just keep imaging myself screwing up and making my instructor angry or failing my test again and again and wasting my mother's money. Yes, I make myself miserable.

Talking about my instructor, he's known to everyone as Jimmy. I had already heard his name since I was in Form 5, because my other classmates were already learning driving. My class assistant monitor, Eng Chuan who was also taught by Jimmy, and he said that he's a good teacher. Another friend of mine suggested that I should just ask to be taught by Jimmy, and so I did.

On the first day of lesson, before I even got into the car, Jimmy asked me if he was introduced by Eng Chuan, and was it the reason I chose him as my instructor. I can't help but to nod my head. Then, he keep mentioning that a lot of people had chosen him as their instructor, because Eng Chuan told almost everyone in our area that Jimmy's a good teacher.

Well, I didn't learn much on the first day. Just simple things like switching gears, braking, turning left and right. Basic things. The only problem was I couldn't turn back my steering wheel fast enough, and often go a little bit off road. I'm still very nervous.

On the second day, I learnt how to do a three-point turn. It was really difficult for me at the beginning, because I was freaking out, especially when I have to press or release the clutch. The clutch is an enemy when driving a manual car, yes an enemy. Anyway, while I was practising, Jimmy fell asleep beside me and I was kinda shocked that he could sleep.

Turned out he was just faking it because he knew I was nervous when he's watching me. Good idea, because I did freak out when he's looking. And I did a good job that day and had no problem with the three-point turn, I think. That day when he fetched me home, he told me how he was expelled from school at the begining of Form 4 because he hit the principal of his school multiple times. I was speechless on the way home.

So yeah, I had my third lesson today and I learned parallel parking and going up the hill. Both are difficult for me, and I was freaking out so much today. I think even I got my instructor a little impatient. Three-point turn is way more easier, and going up the hill is the hardest for me.

I had a hard time keeping my foot on the clutch and the accelerator, it's a real problem mmhmm. I think I got better after a few tries, but I'm still not confident. And I can't believe Jimmy's going to let me have a mock exam during my next lesson! And he expects me to take the real exam before Chinese New Year, but I don't think I'm ready yet. *sobscries*

Ahh, I even jotted down notes on what should I do. Ahh, driving is so difficult.


In four months, we achieved the Edelweiss ring! Kyaaah, it's been a long time since I got the shiny ring icon. AuditionSEA just updated the new patch with other MAX rings, they're pretty but they need a minimum of 100,000 hearts to get one. And we both had our eyes on the one with 300,000 hearts. It's just impossible. *sobs*

I joined back VSP, because I felt guilty leaving one of my fam mate there. She's really sad after I left, and it tore my heart. Also, I felt guilty after VSP's FAM point got drained by a bunch of idiots. I felt responsible for the incident, even though it wasn't me who recruited the idiots. So, I wanted to earn back FAM points for VSP.

Oh, I also finally got my shiny yellow E1 story icon. Thanks to another fam mate of mine for helping me, then I did some more story and got the brown icon. I'm close to 100% now, kyaaaah. I'm lifeless, ain't I ..

It was also ICE's birthday two days ago! I already wished him three times - in Facebook, Twitter and Audition. I'm not sure you'll see this and it's already over but happy birthday ICE! I'm really grateful that you're my friend and thank you so much for the Christmas present. *cries while hitting floor with fist*

Rimuzeh ish an idiot. *giggles and run away*


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