
Before the night I had my driving test, I couldn't sleep immediately because I was on my bed remembering things like how to make a three-point turn, what to do when you go up hill, and the road I will be driving for the test.

It was the day of the JPJ driving test.

I was awaken by my mother and I was already nervous. I'm always nervous at home and I kept telling my mother that I'm afraid. Anyway, I had to be at the driving academy by 10.30AM.

There are two sessions for the people taking the test. I'm in the second session. When I got there, there are many people in the first session already waiting for their test on the road. I was clueless where to go so I hung out a while with some people from my school. After asking the staff around and help from my friend, at least I know where I should stand by. The test starts at 11:30AM, and my number is 53.

I really felt helpless that I can't really catch Bahasa Melayu well even though I have been living in Malaysia for my whole life and learning it since I was in kindergarten. I can write, but I can't speak well or listen well if the speaker doesn't speak clearly or speaks too fast. *digs hole and buries head*

Anyway, under the scorching sun, our test begins. The test is divided into two parts. The first part consist of three-point turn, parallel parking and going up hill. The second part was on the road, where you have to drive outside the academy. If you fail one of them, you'll have to retake it. I don't plan to fail any one of them.

The second session had almost 100 people taking the test, and I was 53, so I had to wait for while. I remember clearly the woman who was number 15 slided down from the hill and hit the car behind her. Obviously, she failed.

When my turn came, my instructor came up to me with his umbrella and told me to relax. I think I was much more calmer than I was at home because the mood was there. But I started the engine again when the engine was already on. *digs deeper hole and buries myself*

I struggled a little on the hill but I passed it on the first try. I took two minutes for the parallel parking and I managed to pass the three-point turn. I'm really happy that I managed to pass everything in one shot. My instructor said, 'See? You can do everything as long you are calm.' Then he told me to call him after my test on the road.

I had more than an hour of break before the test on the road. I called my mother immediately after my first test and she was so kind enough to suggest to eat lunch with me. But I didn't want to trouble her coming all the way here.

By 2PM sharp the staff of the driving academy told us to gather before begining the test on the road. There was a lot of people but what surprised me most was there was still people from the first session waiting for their turn! I thought if they have to wait from morning till now, maybe I had to wait until the evening.

It was true, I waited for three hours before my turn. THREE FREAKING HOURS. I could go to my grandmother's house three times back and forth. I didn't had any friends taking the test with me but there was a kind girl who chatted a little with me. I think I'm not really sociable. *draws cones*

Ugh, the guy called my number twice when I couldn't hear it clearly for the first time. Then, I got some papers and got into the car where the examiner was waiting. I greeted him but he didn't greet me back. Actually, I already bribed to pass this test but I'm still nervous.

Erm, it's actually very normal to bribe the examiners in Malaysia. Malaysia Boleh!(?)

When I drove out of the academy, I was immediately got shouted at by the examiner. Then I thought that the examiner was very fierce, but I remained calm and just listened to whatever he says or orders me to. Maybe after examining probably close to 200 students from the morning, it'll be normal for everyone to be pissed. And my luck sucks so I got this examiner.

'Jalan lane ini la!' (Drive this lane.)
'Tekan minyak la amoi!' (Press the gas.)
'Pergi la, tunggu apa!?' (Go, what are you waiting for.)


When we finally reached the academy again and he begin to tick the boxes on the paper. Then, he handed over to me and I said thank you. But he got down the car without saying anything and went somewhere. I got out of the car looking shocked and dazed, I knew I pass but there wasn't happiness in me. He shouted at me so much that I felt numb. *sobs*

I called my mom and instructor after passing my driving test. There was still people waiting for their turn so I waited together with them. I had to wait for my mom to pick me up. She went the wrong way and I waited as the sun begin to set.

I sms-ed my father later and he already wants me to pick him up the next time he comes back from overseas. My mother told me driving an auto car is a lot more easier than driving a manual but I just don't want to touch another car again before I get my P license ..

EDIT : I just drove an auto car this afternoon. My mom was with me. To think the day where I don't need to press the clutch whenever I drive. An auto car is so much less complicated compared to a manual car. But I'm not used to the power that my brother's car has.

I am now reading a zombie manga. No, it's not cute zombies or silly girls in school uniforms killing zombies. It's really, really, zombies. Real, scary, infected zombies.


I'm also rereading Fruit Basket now. Kyo is so cool.


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