Flame In My Heart.

Vince couldn't remember what his mother screamed at his brother, Dev as the gates of their house closed. He saw Dev slammed the door of their house shut, but not before shouting back some mean words back at his mother. And then the car engine roared to life, and his mother drove away along with Vince and his sister, Rylee in the car.

'What a useless child! He isn't grateful for what his parents had done for him. After raising him for so many years, he dared to treat me like this!' Vince wasn't sure how many times his mother had ranted about the same thing for the past few years. But he chose to stay silent and listened to his mother.

Rylee started to gave out long and heavy sighs. She always did it when Dev and their mother started to fight, and when she started to rant. The sighs had always annoyed Vince, but he didn't want to interrupt while his mother was talking. He took out his earphones but only plugged into one ear, leaving another ear unoccupied to listen his mother.

'... You guys are tired of this, aren't you? I dared not to talk to your father about this because I know how much he hated - I mean how angry he gets at your brother.' Rylee let out another sigh and mumbled something under her breath.

Dev. Vince had always hated him because of his irresponsibility as a brother, the eldest child, the son of their parents. How many times had he seen Dev and his mother argue? Or how many times had he seen Dev saying nasty remarks about their mother? How disrespectful towards his parents? How he treated his poor mother while their father worked overseas?

Vince called him the Devil, for he only bought suffering to their mother, for he only caused heartbreaks among their family, for he made his mother shed her precious tears.

Their mother had expressed her frustration of Dev in front of the other two children for countless times, saying that how she wished she could kick Dev out of the house, how she isn't going to care about their big brother.

But that's impossible, because their mother is a loving mother. She wouldn't let go of the responsibility as a mother to take care of her children. No matter what she said about her children, she will never abandon them, especially when her eldest son is diagnosed with cancer.

Vince wondered how long more will Dev continue to survive from the disease. Is heaven going to accept him? Or is it because heaven doesn't want him and kept him alive till now? Will he go to hell? Or was he the devil himself, roaming on the surface on earth, ruining his family's lives.

After living with his brother that he never loved, he promised himself that he will never be like his brother. But instead he had turned into a person filled with hatred. What's worse that he can't do anything, even with so much hatred inside him. It was useless to hate, especially when that person is your own family, but there's no helping for flame of hatred that burned inside him. He doesn't deny his hatred for his brother at all.

There was nothing he can do. He can only watch his mother suffer under the acts of his brother, his father worrying like crazy across the seas, his little sister enduring as another fight goes on. He's useless and there's nothing he can do.

I'm beyond the farthest stars
and I have been looking for you

Vince mouthed the lyrics as his favorite singer sang. He was still half listening to his music and half listening to his mother's rants. If she think it's the only way to release her stress, he'll be gladly to hear her out. That's what he has been doing for the past few years anyway. Rylee started to mumbled louder and Vince looked at her.

'M-mom! Isn't it enough? Can't you just stop?' Rylee took short breaths after stating her dissatisfaction. Vince couldn't believe his ears, but said nothing. He knew that he wouldn't want to displease their mother, especially when she's so angry.

'Why can't I? This is the only way I can release my stress!' Their mother said and gripped tighter on the steering wheel.

'If you don't like it, just don't make a sound.' Vince voiced, supporting his mother.

'B-b-but.. I-I-I.. It's..' Rylee started to slutter but no one said anything else. She took in short breaths again and finally, she cried.

Weak, Vince thought.

'What are you crying for!?' Their mother asked her only daughter, but Rylee couldn't speak properly and continued crying. Vince shook his head. He had gotten used to this kind of situation that everything became numb and since then he always wore an expressionless face.

Ah, that day the sky shattered
and I fell in reverse
Oh, I feel as if I can go on forever
Light a fire
Light a fire
Flame in my heart

When will the fire in his heart be extinguished?


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