30th of November.

Hmmmm, I can't wait for my semester to end. There is only two classes and one more paper left before I'm free. It wouldn't be long before 18 weeks will pass and it feels pretty fast.

Well, being a university student is very different and I do prefer it than being in secondary school. But after being a university for 18 weeks, I felt I haven't really grown much. I'm still immature and I still procrastinate. The only difference is my drawing is better, I own a DSLR now and I realized people can be very weird.

I want to cut my hair soon.


It's Seru's birthday! Or is it!? Wait it's November 30th! But isn't it in March!? What?!

W-what is going on!


I have named my Razer keyboard Ikkyu-chan.

Ikkyu-chan has helped me improved my BU but I haven't got used to it when I'm playing Guitar. Ikkyu-chan is my precious, kyaaaaaaaaaa.

Thanks to Ikkyu-chan I managed to get 2nd place in BU arena. I'm not sad I'm 1k away from medal, instead I'm happy I can even get to finals which is a pretty hard task for me in the past.

Once again, I'm grateful to Seru and ICE.


It's the last day of November, hmm. Time passes so quickly. Right now I'm updating my blog about random stuffs, gah I don't know anymore I'm so sleepy. My father called me from Thailand and asked me why I haven't update my blog well daddy, I'm doing this for you.

I'm going to Thailand soon.

Have some cute Bobby.

Another adorable Bobby.

Heh. Bobby. Heh.


Potato chips, waiting for me to devour them.
Red dots, connect the red dots on my badehhhhhh.
Oh, what should I do with a Tumblr account. It's filled with Bobby and WIN. Why is Bobby younger than me. Why is he so adorable, sigh.



I shall sign off now and get back to updating my blog soon when I'm done with semester. Please be patience, my silent readers. *bows*

I feel alsjdlakjsdljalsjdlksdflkjlakjwesrlkjq345345likjsfkljlasfd.


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