Singapore Trip.

I haven't been the luckiest girl, hmm. Before my one week holidays started, my Internet was already down. Knowing from experience, it would take at least a week before it could be fixed. Maxis' customer service sucks real bad. *cough* But I won't talk about that anymore.

Anyway! I had always wished to go to Singapore and even though it's very near to my country, I never had the chance. Finally, life gave me this chance to visit there this year.

I forgot how I knew that EGOIST, my favourite band was going to perform at the Anime Festival Asia in Singapore and I knew I had to go. My mom never really stopped me from going to concerts but this was in another country so she hesitated a little. I had my senior from secondary accompanying me so I guess it was okay.

I really wanted to see EGOIST perform, because they never performed in public before. Even at AFA's website, they didn't reveal and information until the last minute. And since my senior's friend doesn't want to the concert ticket for the day EGOIST's performing, I thought this would be my only chance.

Warning: Long post ahead.

And so when the day finally arrived, I met my senior and her friend at the airport and departed in the morning. Singapore isn't really far so we reached there within 40 minutes. It feel kinda unreal, when I was finally at Singapore, taking the MRT to Chinatown.

AFA buddies, LOL.

The inn that I stayed for three days and two nights.

We had to rush to our inn and to Suntec Convention Centre because I had to collect an exclusive EGOIST poster that I have won from a ballot. Because the original purchaser was my senior's friend, he had to accompany me.

We rushed to the convention centre and barely made it. There wasn't any crowd on Friday so it was okay. Actually I didn't have to be present but I wanted to see my poster, haha. I was kinda disappointed because it doesn't really look exclusive nor does it have a signature from Chelly. I was still grateful AFA chose my seat number, though!


I also met Vercis there, a fellow EGOIST fan, to show him the exclusive poster. I admit it was kinda awkward, haha! But we separated ways and I decided to look at the booths in the convention centre. I'm not really suitable for events like these because I don't buy anything. But I was kinda tempted to buy the iPhone cover of redjuice's illustration of Hatsune Miku. There was no price tag on it and now I'm regretting it a little, haha.

I had an early dinner at the food court in the mall and we back to look at the convention centre one last time before I enter the concert hall. I finally saw Kaname, a famous Japanese male cosplayer! He looks great even in real life and I probably went starstruck for a while.

I regret not buying a K merchandise, if not I could have taken some pictures together with him on Friday when there was a smaller crowd. My senior managed to take a picture with him but the queue on Saturday was horribly long. I have learnt my lesson. *kneels down and cry*


I also managed to see some popular Malaysian cosplayers like YingTze and Angie. I couldn't see Reika, though. And I saw an AFA staff worker that was probably more handsome than all the other cosplayers OAO LOL JK HAHAHA I SOUND SO CREEPY orz.

When they started to queue into the concert hall, I bumped into Vercis once again and I cut queue, LOL! Thank you Vercis for letting me cut into the queue *bows* We went into the hall together but got separated once again due to our different seat numbers.

Maybe I was over excited that day, so I was a little blur since I got to Singapore. I wrote 2003 instead of 2013 and I went to the wrong seat number that day. I have no explanations why I got wrong with numbers, hmm.

Finally, the concert started. my seating quite up in front, but it was at the far right. I didn't complain though, because I was going to watch Chelly perform live! She performed first, and I wondered why did they made that sequence.

Well, we shouldn't have expect Chelly to reveal her face since supercell never did. So for this performance, they used some technology to produce a hologram of Yuzuriha Inori from Guilty Crown. But Chelly was still on stage, behind the hologram of Inori, controlling her movements. It was dark so we can't see Chelly's face, only her shadow. Inori was in redjuice's designed clothes KYAAAA!

Everyone was clearly hyped about EGOIST's performance. And I was so happy that I could hear her voice live that I actually cried. YESIDIDSOWHAT *wipes tears* She sang five of her more popular songs, and one of them is a new single that wasn't released yet.

Taken from AFA's Facebook page.

The whole performance by Chelly was touching, and she ended it with the song Departure. I couldn't stop my tears when she sang it. It felt more meaningful than seeing Big Bang performing, oops. I was disappointed she didn't sang more. She didn't even sang my favourite song, Planetes.

Everything has an end and yeap, soon enough Chelly left the stage for Valerie to take over. I just knew that she was a Singaporean and I wondered, 'Wow, this Japanese can speak good English.' But the crowd's energy died after Chelly's performance and I pitied Valerie a bit.

DJ KAYA and motsu went performing next and immediately the crowd was revived. All their songs were upbeat and I never sat down during their whole performance. I wished I knew some of their songs so I could enjoy more but sadly I wasn't prepared, haha. It was really fun, and motsu-san was always there to make the crowd go wild.

Next up was Hachioji P, who is also a DJ. Once again, I knew none of his songs but he did use Hatsune Miku as vocals for some of his songs. I was a little tired after DJ KAYA and motsu's intense performance but Hachioji P made me stand up again when he started performing Just Be Friends, my all-time favourite Vocaloid song. He was good looking too, kya. It was fun when he was performing too.

The last DJ to perform was livetune. I knew him from his song Last Night, Good Night with Hatsune Miku as vocals. And he did look different from what I have expected. All the DJs managed to make the crowd go hyped and I was jumping around for hours. I'm happy he performed Packaged but sad he didn't perform Last Night, Good Night. Perhaps that song wasn't suitable for that day's mood.

The crowd begged for an encore, chanting もう一回(Mou ikkai) which means, one more time. But sadly, they didn't have time and livetune apologized in English which impressed me. I wasn't really sad though, and I was satisfied with the whole concert. I said goodbye to Vercis after that and went to find my senior and we head back to our inn.

Hachioji P, livetune, motsu and DJ KAYA.

I got up early and prepared myself before I went to the MRT station. Alone.

I was supposed to meet seven of my online friends on my second day in Singapore and I was feeling nervous. I made a mistake and went to the wrong station once, but I got to the destination safely.

The first two person I was met at Marina Bay was Skyler and Jo-Ann. They were my FAM members in -VSP-Club and my cute 'daughters'. Jo-Ann was going to cosplay at AFA later so she appeared with her white wig. Skyler was really tall for a girl younger than me.. orz

We had breakfast at the Marina Bay mall (?) and I ate a super expensive chicken rice that costed me 8SGD. I was supposed to meet more people and have lunch at the same mall. I realized that this place was probably too expensive so I was thinking if I should change our location.

It was also then I tried calling Calvin but that bastard wouldn't pick up.

We went walking around the mall and the area around the Art Science Museum. And we took a photos together, yay!

Family potrait, taken by Jo-Ann.

Jo-Ann holding the camera *peace*

After talking to my daughters, we decided to change our location to Bugis. I informed the others and got into the train. Jo-Ann had to leave first and that leaves only me and Skyler to Bugis. Over there, we met Iris, ICE and Seru. (HAI SERUUUUUUU)

Skyler gave me a red T-shirt while Seru and ICE surpised me with a Razer Arctosa keyboard. I'm happy that they gave me gifts but I felt really bad as well. Especially when I was given a keyboard that costs RM169.. orz

Mike was late so we went to the food court to have lunch first. I was feeling full and I didn't want to spend after that 8SGD chicken rice so I watched them ate. Mike was lost for a while but Iris did went to find him.

*still can't get Calvin to pick up.*

We went to arcade later because I wanted to see Seru play Jubeat, a game that isn't available in Malaysia. I just went to Google and found out that Jubeat has another name in Malaysia. So, that explains everything, hmm.  Everyone got to play the game and Seru is really pro. *draws circle*

Hmm, we went to a LAN shop after that. It's actually my second time going. Well, we're all AuditionSEA players so we played AuditionSEA. I got to see how BU players like ICE and Seru played and all of their fingers are so fastttttt ;____;

Seru's hand is too fast that even cameras can't capture it! *gasp*

After an hour of gaming, Mike and Iris went their own ways and that leaves me, ICE and Seru. Following our plans, we headed to Sentosa to see the Aquarium. SERU WAS SO EXCITEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.

*Calvin still couldn't be reached.*

Anyway, we took a bus and then another train to Sentosa. We bought our tickets and soon were looking at swimming fishes already.

First time taking public bus at SG! ;wild

It has been quite some time since I visited an aquarium. It was fun to see cute fishes with my friends and I could tell that they're really fascinated, haha. We saw a lot of fishes, jelly fishes, crabs, lobsters, sharks, stingrays, starfishes, weird sea creatures, I don't know, LOL. I'm glad we all enjoyed ourselves over there.

Look at how happy they are, HAHAHAHAHAHA.

We sat for a long time outside the aquarium with the sharks behind us. I finally got hold of Calvin and he's not dead. I also ate Iris' cookie and it was delicioussssss! I was so hungry that I ate it without taking a picture of it first *sobs*

Well, we had dinner at Marutama in Central. It was Seru's suggestion and he promised to treat me, yaaaay. Oh, it was the most delicious ramen I have ever tasted. I loved the egg the most and I was so fascinated by it, hahaha. Thank you Seru!

ICE later suggested to go the to Clarke Quay river and so we sat down and chill. The river was quite pretty, but I was happy that I can spend time with my friends. We just sat down and talked, but it was my most favourite part of the day. I really didn't want to leave Singapore at that moment.

I finally called Calvin and he did arrive later. I scold him again, and again, and again. HAHAHAHA. There was an awkward atmosphere for a while, haha. Over there Ice impersonated as Seru for a while I just laughed out so hard in public. Ahh, I'll remember that forever.

Calvin sent me back to my inn and I missed everyone immediately after I returned. I wrote a letter to everyone and passed it to them before I said farewell to them. I'm glad all of them enjoyed my letter. :3

I woke up later than I wanted but it was still early for me to pack my bag and head to the airport. Alone. Again.

I rode the MRT and then the Sky Train and was actually starting to freak out because it's the first time for me to board a plane alone. I asked my senior for guidance last night but she didn't know either, haha!

But everything was fine, really. Just that my compasses got taken because it has a sharp end and probably people thought I was a crazy girl holding a Razer keyboard, transferring texture near the travelator. 

But I did get back to Malaysia safely.


I would like to thank my mum for letting me go to Singapore to witness Chelly's performance. I'm sorry I lied to you about meeting my online friends and I'm thankful that you didn't yell in my face. orz I am guilty and I know my faults.

Thank you to Reiki, my senior for bringing me to Singapore! Without you, my plan wouldn't have worked. Thank you for accompanying me and thank you for waiting for me after the concert. You have my gratitude *bows*

Thank you to Darren for the ticket and thank you for collecting the poster for me!

Thanks to Vercis for accompanying me at the concert! I'm so thankful to have an EGOIST fan as a friend that I could relate to. It was because of you that I managed to won the poster and I am very grateful to you. *bows* I wish I could have taken a picture with you!

Thank you Skyler and Jo-Ann for meeting me so early in the morning! Even though you had your cosplay stuffs to take care, you still came. Thank you Skyler for the T-shirt and Jo-Ann for the pendant you bought but couldn't pass to me, haha!

Thank you to Iris for the cookie and guiding Mike back to the food court. You're easy to talk to and I'm happy you wanted to meet me even though we haven't known each other for a long time.

Thank you Mike for coming even though you're sick T_T *feels so guilty* I'm sorry I didn't talk to you much that day, thank you for being a wonderful friend. :3

Thank you to ICE for agreeing to meet me! I'm glad to meet you and thank you so much for carrying the Razer keyboard for the whole day. I know you're tired at the end of the day but still you acted tough, haha. I also enjoyed your impersonation of Syu a lot! Thank youuuuu.

Thank you to Seru for treating me Marutama ramen! Probably half of my plans were suggested by Seru and I thank you for that. Also, thank you for babysitting us kids!

Thank you ICE and Seru for the keyboard and I'm grateful that you guys accompanied me for the whole day until late at night! I really enjoyed my time with you guys at the river.

And lastly, thank you Calvin for sending me back. Even though I was pissed that you didn't pick up your phone for the whole day, I'm glad I met you. You're a gentleman for sending me all the way to the inn door. *curtsies* Ididn'ttakepicturewithyoutoo*drawscircles*

Thank you AFA and Singaporeeeee!


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