Krabi, Thailand - Part Two.

Hmm, this is part two of my experience in Krabi, Thailand. *throws flower petals*


Because me and my brother suffered from terrible muscle pains, my mom dared not to book any tour that day. We were feeling a lot better when we woke up so I walked around the area with my mom when it was close to noon.

My mom doesn't like the idea of slacking all day so she asked around for tours that lasts for only half a day. There isn't a lot of choices but we booked a tour in the end. It was a trip to visit seven islands with a BBQ dinner and a fire show provided. But what got my attention the most was the part where we get to see bioluminescence produced by the planktons (PURANKUTON BANZAI!).

23 of us who signed up for this tour were picked up from our respective hotels to Ao Nang where we got on a white boat. It wasn't a speedboat so it takes a while to get from an island to another. It can be quite boring and sometimes I wished that I can reach the shore as soon as possible.

The first island we got off was Railay island. We were greeted by the hot white sand and cool waters. We were given only 30 minutes to look around before we got on the boat to Poda island. We didn't spend a lot of time there as well, but I saw fishes near the shore and you can actually snorkel around that area. But we didn't and we left after 30 minutes as well.

Wearing the shirt that Skyler gave me at Railay beach ♥

I don't know what was the third island but it was deep water area. There's no where to anchor the boat so we had to wait in the boat if you don't want to swim. Me and my family just watched as the tourists jumped into the sea. It's scary because there's no way you can touch the ocean floor (Hi,Ican'tswim).

The fourth island was a snorkeling area. Here, we got down and went to snorkel. I never snorkeled so far out into the ocean so it was a little scary. I could feel the waves taking me further away from the boat and I struggled a bit to swim back. There isn't really any nice corals to see so the snorkeling lasted for a while only.

The fifth island was Chicken island. Yes, chicken. I guess it does look like a chicken or some kind of animal. By then, I wasn't really feeling well so I never got down to swim or snorkel. I was dying to get onto land, something that doesn't move.


Finally, we got off at Tup island. It was really windy there and because of that, it was cold. We also had our BBQ dinner there, although we didn't get to really barbecue anything. It was served to us. The prawns are awfully overcooked, hmm.

Tup isalnd is a really beautiful place, and it's a great spot to just chill and watch the sunset. There's this road/land I don't know how to explain it, that acts like a bridge to the other island. And as the sun sets, different colours are painted onto the sky. It was just so beautiful there. I took the most photos here.

A fire show was performed later. It was quite short but entertaining.

Soon, the sun finally sets and it was dark. We waddled our way to the boat and head to our last destination. It was just too dark to see where we're going and it amazes me how the locals are able to get us around. I could only see black waters and the black sky. Between, there's a faint border, or it's just me imagining them.

We stopped at somewhere I can't see and the guy told us we can see shiny planktons there. Everyone rushed out but we see no shiny things on the surface. Turns out, you had to snorkel to see the  bioluminescence and I heard people said that it was really awesome. I chose not to because the water is cold.

But I wasn't sad either, because I saw the most beautiful stars I have ever seen. While others are looking down, I was looking up at the sky. My breathe was taken away, like literally and I couldn't stop staring. There was so many stars and I just don't know how to explain how awed I am. No pictures though, I don't think my camera is good enough to take them anyway.

They said it was a 20 minute boat ride back to Ao Nang beach but for me it felt like eternity. I was starting to feel unwell again. The waters are rough and it doesn't help when the boat shakes from side to side so much. The boat had to stop a few times just to get its balance back.

I vomited RIGHT before we got down and I was glad almost everyone got down before they could see my unglamorous moment. I apologized to the people on the boat but I don't know if they heard it. *digs hole and buries head*


We got up early and went to Ao Nang beach to meet with the Kon-Tiki staff. We were scuba diving that day I was feeling really nervous, especially when I see so much foreigners there. We're the only Asians there, LOL.

Anyway, we got on board a long tail boat and we later moved to a Kon-Tiki boat. There, we were briefed about what we're about the learn, the scuba diving equipment and some fishes that can be found around the area.

We got into scuba diving suits and we had to carry the equipment plus oxygen tank which weight about 15kg. It was heavy, but I still can move around while wearing the flippers. I sat on the boat and think about the skills that I had to do later, and I tried to keep myself calm.

Finally we went to the edge of the boat where we jumped into the sea, with gears, tanks and all. I resurfaced, and the weight of the tank can't be felt at all. We're floating using the BCD, which means buoyancy control device. You can choose to inflate it if you want to float and vice versa.

I was the first to be taught by the instructor. She deflated my BCD and soon we're underwater, we're just barely below the surface only though. I always had the fear of submerging my head underwater but the mask keeps my nose from inhaling water and you can breathe just fine using the regulator.

I managed to complete the first three skills which includes holding your breathe and putting the regulator in and out of your mouth. I had no problem finding my regulator either. I had one final task and it was the thing I feared most, which is to clear water from your mask.

I had to allow a little amount of water into my mask. To clear the water from the mask, you have to press the top frame of your mask and exhale strongly through your nose. The water will flow out from the bottom of the mask and it's done.

But I never liked the feeling of water entering my nose, or even just touching my nose. I wasn't used to it and I always had to go up to the surface every time I tried. When I allowed water to enter my mask, I have no problem because I was still breathing with my regulator. But when I tried to exhale with my nose, somehow I wasn't able to do it and I inhaled. I couldn't do it.

In fact, none of us passed except for my second brother. I wasn't really disappointed or anything, because I knew I had problems with my damn nose. I'm proud of my brother and I'm just happy that I got to experience breathing underwater. I even surprised myself, that I managed to get over my fear, even it's a little bit to hold my breath underwater.

Since I wasn't able to scuba dive, I had to ask my dad for his experience. He simply said that it was peaceful and it's like another world underwater. The surface becomes the sky and the feeling is awesome. I'm very happy for my dad that he was able to make his dream come true. He is even planning for his next scuba diving trip as I'm typing this.

We returned to Ao Nang beach eventually. We celebrated by having a steak dinner but they screwed up mine. I ordered for my steak to be medium rare but they overcooked and it became well done. *flips table*


We did nothing that day. My dad was still attending his scuba diving course so he wasn't around. In fact, he wasn't with us for three days because of his course. I was just lazy to state it, oops.

It was during the afternoon when we got a call from my dad saying that he passed the course and he's now an official open water scuba diver. We went to the beach to pick him up and we later stroll along the beach. Me and my brother found a huge dead jellyfish.

We had Burger King for dinner because my dad and brother wanted to try the Triple Whopper that isn't available anywhere on this earth. It's huge, really huge.

You can't probably see it well here but the one of the right is the size of your average burger.


Krabi is terribly hot, did I mention that? I accompanied my mom to do some last minute shopping and I was already sweating from the heat.

We went to the airport where we bid farewell to my dad who headed back to Bangkok. Our flight back to Malaysia landed early and it feels great to be back home. But I couldn't return to my home yet because I was heading straight to Malacca after we landed. Reunion dinner, hmm.

And that's it!


I just went to university for my classes today and the lecturer talked a lot. When he asked to introduced ourselves, he questioned us why did we chose our campus and why we are we studying design.

It made me think a lot and I wondered if I made the right choice choosing the course I'm studying now. Is it too late? And if I change my decision now, will I not regret it again later? Ahh, I don't know.


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