Mother's Day.

Few days ago when my mom was sending me to my campus, she told me her experience of giving birth to me and my two brothers. I laughed for most of the parts, and even now I don't know why. I know giving birth isn't a walk in a park, and being a mother is more than just having a child, it's a life-long responsibility.

I'm super grateful to have such wonderful parents and I seriously can't live without them in my life. One of my biggest fears is losing my parents, and just the thought of that scares the heck out of me. I lived my whole life with my mom always by my side, supporting me and guiding me through life, so I really can't imagine how to live without her. That's just how important my mom is to me.

I left my mom a paper rose and a note for her to notice in the morning but she thought my brother made it. That was because he just happened to be there when she found the note. She said it looked beautiful but I actually wasn't really satisfied with my handicraft.

This Mother's day was extra special, because my relatives from Malacca and Penang came to my house. I don't really get a lot of visitors coming to my house so it's definitely more lively than usual. They spent a few days in my home and I'm just happy for my mom to be able to hang out with her sisters.

I think it was my uncle who had this idea of preparing a dinner for all of the mothers and he wanted all the children to take part. We didn't protest and in the end my uncle, my cousin, my brother and I helped prepared the dinner.

For that night, we prepared four pizzas, salad and a cheesed-baked lobster. The lobster dish wasn't included in the plan originally. I think my uncle was ambitious and bought it when they went shopping at the market that morning. Well, we always have Google.

'Fear mehhh.'

'Yeaaah, spread that shit.'

More relatives came by later that night, bringing more food and some ice-cream for dessert. We also had fried chicken that day and I'm pretty sure all my Facebook friends already know that, so.


It was fun spending time with my family and I'm glad I could do something for my mother on Mother's day. The food was great and it was awesome to have my relatives here as a company. I certainly wished that my father and the rest of my relatives were there with us.

It was a great night, the only downside to it is it's Monday the next day. I also received Mother's day wishes from my beautiful 'daughters'. Thank you Juliet and Jo-Ann. ♥

Sorry, this is to cute to keep it to myself. Thanks Jo-Ann!

Well, Mother's Day is already over so I'm not going to keep wishing to all the mothers out there. Instead, I think all of us should appreciate our mothers (let's not forget dads) for what they have done for us. I'm still alive today and it's thanks to my mum (and dad).

I love you, mum.


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