YG Family Concert.

I remember I once tweeted that I should go to a YG Family concert one day. A concert where I get to see all YG Entertainment artists like Big Bang, 2NE1 and Gummy (before she left the company). But as the years go by, more artists like Lee Hi, AKMU and Epik High joined the family and I certainly wouldn't mind attending the concert if I have the chance.


Well, AuditionSEA gave me the chance. To be precise, they gave me the chance to win.

I never had the luck in winning in luck-based competitions. I couldn't win a 2NE1 concert ticket given by LINE and I really have no luck in winning in any other competitions. I could only win the events organized by AudiSEA with skills.

But I guess luck was finally with me this time. It was organized by AudiSEA, so obviously not much people knew about it, except for the players or people who went to their website. And I know a lot of players don't visit the website. So yeah, it was very lucky for me to not have millions of other fan girls from all around the world trying to win in this competition.

AudiSEA had 8 tickets and there were 8 ways to win a ticket. Some required the use of social media apps, some required the spending of Acash, some required you playing in-game and some needed you to attend their live event in Singapore (which I obviously can't). I tried to participate as much as possible, and I couldn't have done it without the help of my friends.

I guess I put in the most effort in the Instagram category, which requires us wishing AudiSEA happy birthday. I never understood Instagram so I was kinda reluctant to create an account. But I was desperate so I just created one and made sure no one followed me, in case I had to spam pictures or other things like that. I remember I created a Twitter account just for AudiSEA too.

The things I do for you, AudiSEA.

It was really nerve wrecking because I checked my Instagram everyday to see who else submitted their pictures. It doesn't help when I saw how AudiSEA was trying real hard to promote the competition.

The competition lasted for probably more or less a month. It was only a few days after the competition ended that I got a message from Asiasoft saying that I have won. I've never won anything before so I was stunned when I saw the message, but quickly rejoiced after that.

So soon, I was heading to Singapore for the concert. I met up with Seru and due to some miscalculation of travelling time in Singapore I was late going back to my cousin's house. Automatically, I was late going to the stadium to meet the staff as well. 

Seru never planned to go with me to the stadium but I was late so Seru and I decided to take a taxi, and he followed me because he was worried.  He could have went home after that but he forgot his wallet and had to get down. *slaps Seru*

It was really embarrassing when I couldn't find where the other winners were and I was told that I was the only one who was late and made everyone wait. I would like to sincerely apologize even though I'm pretty sure none of them read this blog.

It was funny though, they didn't bother to check who I was. They just knew it was me, sigh. I even printed the e-mail out.

Well, something happened though. One of the winners didn't want her ticket anymore so there was a free ticket. A gawd damn friggin free ticket. UNWANTED AND IN NONE'S POSSESSION. And what did the Audi staff do about it? She gave it to Seru because he just happened to be there and he agreed to join us.

I'm really happy that I have a companion to the concert and I'm even more happy that it is Seru but the way that he got the ticket so easily with just his luck kinda pisses me off, LOL. I had to wait nervously for a month and all he did was being late with me and forget his wallet. And a ticket was in his hand, tadaa.

But anyway, we went to wait outside the stadium for a while before we entered. We talked with few of the winners there before we got in and find our seats. All of us sat in one row.

It was not bad, but still kinda far from the stage.

The concert started on time, I guess. Lots of flashing lights and three big screens. They revealed who's going to perform that night and they were Big Bang, 2NE1, PSY, WINNER and Epik High. I was disappointed because it wasn't the whole YG Family that is going to perform. I was really looking forward to see Team B, AKMU and Lee Hi.

The first to perform was 2NE1 and immediately two girls in front of me started to stand up. My view was obviously blocked so I wanted to stand, but I hesitated because everyone else is sitting. Seru told me it's totally fine to stand, so I did.

I couldn't remember who performed next, but I guess I was standing most of the time. I was swaying to the music but I did not go crazy because no one else is going crazy around me. Even the people around the stage at the rockzone did not go crazy. They were only waving the light sticks. WHY.

When I went to see Big Bang at KMW and at their own concert the fans were craaaaaaazy. We would jump and shout like insane people but I guess Singaporean fans are not that into letting themselves loose. But that's just my opinion.

Then, PSY came out to perform. He performed some of his older songs before he stopped and talked to the crowd. He managed to get the whole stadium to stand and told everyone to you know, get crazy. Maaan, the crowd finally went a little wild and I was jumping around to his songs. Seru was motionless as a stick.

He was truly an entertainer. He knew how to get the crowd going and his live singing is simply amazing. He thinks about his fans and audiences too, as he puts English subtitles in his music videos that were shown on the screen. Of all the artists that performed that night, PSY's part was the most enjoyable to me.

It was only after PSY's performance that I was comfortable to jump around and screaming like an idiot. I was the only 'high' one among the winners and I'm pretty sure the image of me getting crazy will be in their memory for some time.

Another sad thing besides not seeing Team B and some other artists is not seeing Seungri. He got into a car accident a few days before the concert and I was worried about him. While he isn't in a critical condition and is recovering, he is unable to perform. When I saw only four members standing on the stage, I felt sad. Even though Seungri wasn't my biased, I shed some tears when I heard his audio recorded voice playing when it is supposed to be his part.

I got to hear the popular songs of Big Bang, 2NE1, Epik High, PSY and Winner, and I also get to see parody performances by the YG artists. Seeing Big Bang dancing to 2NE1's I Love You is hilarious and Daesung's cover on 2NE1's Ugly is just so amazing, probably better than the original.

Everything went well and the crowd cheered (only for a while) for an encore and all the artists performed their hits on the stage. You could say it's a dream come true to see all of them on the same stage in front of you. So near, yet so far.

It all ended before 9:30PM, which is very shocking to me. Last time I went to Big Bang's Alive tour concert it was almost midnight when everything ended. But I was kinda glad because the public transport is still available and we're able to grab something to eat before going home.

Well, in a way I'm really happy that AuditionSEA gave me (and lucky bastard Seru) a chance to see YG Family but I'm really disappointed it's not the whole family. It was an enjoyable experience, but I think I'll enjoy it more if I was in the rockzone, filled with a hopefully more enthusiastic crowd.

I have to thank my dearest mother for giving me the green light to fly to Singapore. I know we just went recently but I'm really thankful she allowed me to go. Of course, I have to thank my cousin for letting me stay at her house once again. Last but not least, Seru, for accompanying me at the concert.

Oh, and Ebichuuuu nyaaaaa.

Have a picture of the delicious Marutama.


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