Birthday Appreciation Post.

Three months. It has been three months since I last updated my blog. Oh, that's a record for me.

It wasn't because I have nothing to write about. I was kinda busy during this semester and I probably didn't have the motivation to write something that could take hours. I just settled two submissions so I can relax for a bit now and finally bring my blog back to life.


My birthday was few weeks ago and this year I turned 20. That's the digit 2 right in front there.

I remembered I was really excited when I turned 10, because my age consisted two digits then. A decade later, I didn't want my birthday to arrive. It makes me feel old although in reality I'm just a young adult.

In the morning, my mom surprised me with a tiramisu cake that she baked herself. It was delicious. She also gave me a necklace that she bought from China as a birthday gift. Thanks mum!

I also had an examination I had to take on my birthday so there's a lot of stuffs to think rather than just oh, it's my birthday. I don't think birthdays are really important at the first place so it didn't really matter to me.

Well, I attended class like usual and took the exam during the evening. After I was done with my paper, I exited the hall while all my friends were inside. I was done for the day so I thought I could just leave.

I got my bag, went to my car and drove out of campus like usual without giving any thought. I stopped at a traffic light and all I needed was to make a U-turn to get back home. There's no turning back at that point.

I have a bad habit of leaving my phone in silent without vibration, and I don't usually check my phone while driving. So it was really weird when I decided to check my phone while I was waiting for the traffic light to turn green. I probably took out my phone because I thought my friends will worry as I left without saying anything. And then guess what, a classmate's name appeared on my screen, calling me.

He told me to go back to campus and wouldn't tell me why I should head back. I told him he was lucky that he called me before the traffic light turned green because if I made U-turn there, I would have no way to go back unless I'm willing to pay the toll again. I'm not willing to pay the toll again.

I knew there was something up, because recently my class celebrates everyone's birthday this year. I don't know how it started but I could kinda guess it was something like at that point. So there I was, driving back to campus, parking my car again and walking back to campus.

I was told to meet up somewhere but then I was guided to one of our design studios. And tadaa, there they were, my classmates and a cake. I don't often celebrate my birthday and much less being surprised on my birthday so this was very new to me.

Everyone talked how they almost failed at surprising me and they didn't thought that I would leave campus so early. I guess it was really lucky that I decided to check my phone at the traffic light.

Not only that, they bought me a gift that I least expected. An Inori Yuzuriha figurine. I remember telling one of my classmates that if I could afford a figurine, I would definitely choose Inori. I didn't expect him to take it so seriously.

I don't really like receiving gifts or celebrating birthdays, but my friends gave thought in organizing this and preparing a present for me, so I would like to thank my dear friends for this birthday surprise. *bows*

My brother made me a 3D model of an electric guitar. It was quite random, but I do like the sound that electric guitar makes. It's kinda weird that he decided to include an old artwork in the model, hmm. But thanks brudaarrrr!

Thanks Danny for the necklace!

That night, I also ate nasi lemak from a store that me and mom really like, so it's a perfect day! Honestly, I don't mind getting just food for my birthday. Or any other day.

I never received birthday gifts for a long time so I guess this year's birthday is pretty eventful. I'm actually still expecting a gift, but it will only arrive in August(?). *stares at a snake*

I would like to thank everyone that wished me, my friends who celebrated my birthday, my family who is always there for me since the day I was born.


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