
So I'm just going to get straight to the point and say that I am now going through an internship at an animation company. It has been three weeks since I started working and thankfully, the wish I made on my last post came true.

Getting into the company wasn't really hard really. I was desperate to just get a company to accept me. And my company didn't really judged me on my skills either. They just wanted people to work for them, I guess.

But their pay wasn't really low for an intern so I'm not complaining.

The company's really chill. I'm allowed to surf the web, I don't have to arrive really early for work and the people there are fine.

I am lucky to have a classmate following me so it wasn't that lonely and awkward. And I was super, super, super grateful to have another female intern joining us at the end of the second week, because I seriously thought the only female I would see in the building is the cleaning lady.

She caught me watching videos of Overwatch when we first met and we started talking about it instantly. She's younger than me. *wipes tears*

My first choice was definitely not 3D animation, but I had no choice really. There aren't a lot of 2D animation companies and clearly I'm not good enough to be accepted into companies that did illustrations, concept art, etc.

I had to learn using a new program called Blender, but it's just a matter of getting used to things. It wasn't really difficult, but I found myself getting confused when using Adobe programs. Just everyday problems when you have to switch between programs. *shrugs*

I had experience in animating, while my classmate doesn't. So I was assigned to animate quite a lot and he did some modeling, painted texture and did some story boarding. I dreaded at the thought that I was going to animate for the rest of my internship.

One day when both of my classmate and the female intern was assigned to drawing concept art, I felt so jealous (sad but true). I expressed my thoughts to my supervisor during lunch and I'm glad he listened, 'cause I got assigned to draw days later.

Another thing I learned in this internship is how much I am not looking forward to the working life. Sitting for eight hours, doing the same thing everyday for the rest of my life is simply not appealing when I'm not doing something I love. I immediately miss studying, and I really wish I don't have to graduate so soon.

So, everything's okay. I'm glad everything's okay. I had other friends who had to stayed back for work till wee hours and others who had nothing to do, so I'm glad my situation is okay. It has already been three weeks and hopefully everything passes like the breeze.


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