First Clubbing Experience.

This might sound shocking for people my age, but I've never stepped inside a club until I was close to 23 years old. I was probably the one who never stepped into a club among my circle of real life friends. The closest thing of me being in a club was playing Club mode in AUDITIONSEA. I know, my life revolves around gaming and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

It's not like I don't like the idea of clubbing, I was actually really interested to go. But there were a few reasons why I never brought myself to go throughout my university days, even when I have friends asking me to go.
  1. I'm quite hesitant to go out for activities like clubbing or drinking at the bar. I don't hate drinking or dancing, I just have a hard time convincing myself to go.
  2. I live with my parents and they can be very protective of me, especially since I'm a girl. Many times my mom would say it's dangerous for a girl to go out till 3AM, or it's risky driving at night alone, even if I told her I'm not drinking. I would always listen to her and stay home.
  3. Sometimes the idea of playing games at home sounds more appealing.
But my streak finally ended when I went to hang out with my university friends for dinner. One of my friends suggested to go clubbing after the dinner, and by the time he mentioned it, I was already at work.

If you know me long enough, you will realize that I don't like last minute plans. I like prepare myself physically and mentally before I step outside to face the world for a few hours.

This time however, I was totally down for it. All I need is to tell my parents about it and hopefully my mother is okay about it.

I KNOW IT'S PROBABLY WEIRD FOR A 22 YEAR OLD ADULT TO ASK FOR PERMISSION TO GO CLUBBING, but that's the life I am living. Ignoring my mother's orders doesn't come with light consequences, at least that's what I think.

My mother gave me the green light, thankfully, even when I mentioned that I'm probably crashing at a friend's place and only returning home the next morning. It's really odd to be asking for approval, but I do respect my mother's concern.

After work, I met up with my friends for the first time after we graduated. It was nice see everyone and catch up. I should really blog about other things too, hmm.

In the end, only one of us chose not to go to the club. I was happy most of us agreed to go, and more people going means the lesser my mom has to worry, lmao.

I think by the time we got to the club, it was probably close to midnight. The night has barely begun, so there wasn't a lot of people yet. We paid the entrance fee and I finally stepped into a club.

The club I went to is Kyo. It was suggested by an intern at my workplace and is considered to be a 'safe' club. If I'm not wrong, the music played in Kyo are mostly R&B and hip hop. It didn't really matter to me because I listen to music nobody listens to. If there is a club playing game soundtracks, I'll be there.

We got ourselves drinks and chilled by a table. There was still nobody at the dancefloor except for a few people. Everyone was probably waiting to start the party, or waiting for the alcohol to kick in.

We then went to another part of the club that was a smaller area, but they have tables to play beer pong and a few arcade machines. It was then my friends dragged me to the dance floor.

I was a dancer, so I thought that I would be okay with dancing in a club. After all, it's not really hard to get me moving to the beat, even when I'm sober. But boy, I can't express how awkward I felt there.

First of all, I am not familiar with any of the music played by the DJ. It wasn't that important, but it's just harder to get into the mood.

Second, I didn't know what to do with my hands. Was I supposed to do jazz hands? Wave it in the air? Most of the time I find myself stuffing my hands back into my pockets. I'll remember not to wear pocketed pants the next day I go to a club.

Third, my friends said I didn't drink enough.

After having two or three drinks, I felt uncomfortable. It was like a bloating feeling, and I felt pressure on my chest. Am I bad with alcohol? Probably. This was why I didn't go crazy with the drinks, and thus never got high or drunk. I was just uncomfortable the whole night.

It's funny because I do get drunk a few imes while drinking and playing games, but I guess the club didn't work out for me.

I'm sad to say that I had more fun playing Metal Slug 3 at the arcade machine than dancing on the dance floor. I enjoyed seeing my friends getting crazy, though. It was really entertaining.

By 2-3AM, I was reaching my limit. The heavy bass started to get unbearable and I was pretty much done for the night. My friend got me to rest in his car and I'm thankful for that. Three of us took a break while the others were still losing themselves on the dance floor.

The rest finally got out of the club by 4AM. According to my friend, they were still dancing even when there is nobody around. They really know how to enjoy themselves, I thought to myself. I also puked before I went home.

My friends crashed at a person's house while another friend send me back home. By the time I got home, it was 5AM and I saw my mother getting ready to leave home for her Qi Gong practice at the park. I felt bad for coming home late, but it was better than me crashing at a friend's house, according to my mom.

Although I enjoyed playing Metal Slug 3 more than being on the dance floor, I don't regret going to a club. Many people told me that it's a waste of time, that the music's too loud or that they regret drinking too much, but I like to decide it for myself. If I don't experience it, how would I truly know? Some person's experience or opinion can't be applied on me, and that's what I though even when I decided to bleach my hair or when people told me to reconsider studying design.

Will I go back? Sure. With the right group of friends, I believe it can still be a fun experience. Maybe I do need to drink more and let myself loose. Hopefully my body doesn't act up.


I wrote this post on the train with my phone. Because of work, I don't as much time as I used to have, so I thought I could do some writing on my while I was commuting.

I don't like driving, so I don't really mind taking public transport. It takes an hour for me to get to work and back home, but driving to KL takes about the same time and I still have to pay for parking and toll!

Taking public transport means I have to see a lot of people on my journey, and I've seen many kinds of people. Some good, some bad, some very interesting.


RawSkull said…
STILL NEVER BEEN TO A CLUB BEFORE HNNNGNGNGNGGGG but well, point 3 is my favorite point😂

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