
Showing posts from 2019

How I Found Out About the Menstrual Cup.

This is the second post of my three-post series about menstruation and menstrual cups! It's fine to not read the posts in order, but if you want to know how I feel about menstruation in general, please read the first post here . I first heard about menstrual cups from a BuzzFeed video . The video had a few women testing out the product for the first time, and talking about their experience using it. I was aware the existence of tampons, but the idea of a menstrual cup was totally new to me. Basically, a menstrual cup is a cup-shaped silicone designed to catch period blood. To use a menstrual cup, you have to insert it into your vagina, and it will catch the blood from your cervix, if you inserted it correctly. It's like a tampon, but instead of absorbing blood it collects them. According to users of the menstrual cup, they are the better alternative to tampons and pads. Why? Well, here are the benefits: They don't leak. (if you inserted it correctly) You can go sw

Period Talk.

I remember talking about menstrual cramps and the pains of being a woman long time ago at my blog. At the starting of that post, I said that I wasn't sure how my readers would feel about talking such topic, fearing that people, especially the opposite gender would be grossed out. That was 2013. Six years later, I have different thoughts about periods. Talking about menstruation, I believe, is always such a difficult topic to openly talk about. Not just in Malaysia, but everywhere in the world. It's a topic people are embarrassed and afraid to discuss. Probably because it's gross? Because only women experience it? Because our ancestors thought it was filthy and we were raised to think so too? As a woman that dealt with menstruation for almost half of my whole life, I think shouldn't be a taboo topic. I believe it's one of the most natural process a female will go through, much more natural than, for example, the need to constantly update our social media.

The Phantom of the Opera.

The first time I heard about the story of the Phantom of the Opera was probably when I was in the first year of secondary school. My brother, who is a year older than me, received his English textbooks from school. One of them was the short novel of the Phantom of the Opera, originally written by Gaston Leroux. I usually don't check my brother's books because why would I want to stress myself over education a year beyond me? But I was fine with English books because English was one of my favourite subjects. So, I read the novel. Out of all the English literature books I read in secondary school including QWERTYUIOP, The Fruitcake Special and the Pencil, the Phantom of the Opera was my favourite of them all. The drama and the mystery surrounding the opera ghost was just more interesting than a haunted typewriter. The second time I got to experience the story was with the movie released in 2004. With the movie version, I got to see the characters come to life, the grand

5 Things People Love That I Don't.

I have a close friend that I still talk to since we first met on orientation day when we entered university. We share the love for non-existing 2D or 3D male characters and games, and we our interest with animation and art makes it easy for us to get along. Despite being friends for many years, we often have conflicting preferences and opinions. I love tragic stories, she, on the other hand won’t watch follow a story if it involves the main character dying. She thinks it’s rude for someone not to wish back a happy birthday (if you’ve been wishing every year), I personally don’t care that much about birthdays anymore. Both of us have learned to accept our differences, but I think it’s interesting how different humans can be even though we live in a similar environment. It all boils down to the matter of preferences and tastes, at the end of that day. I don’t think I’m a very unique person, but I don’t share the excitement or love when it comes to a few mainstream things. Sometimes, my l

Thoughts about Overwatch Archive Events

Overwatch is a game that has a special place in my heart. It's not the best game I ever played, but there's much more than gameplay that makes me love it so much. It's no secret that I'm into the first-person shooter game because of its lore and characters. My fascination for the heroes, their stories and personalities, and ultimately what happens after the recall are the main reasons why I wanted to get the game so badly. When I just got the game, I was so happy until I didn't even felt mad at other players constantly killing me. I'm not a very good player anyway. The Archive Events I thought I would write about the recent Archive since I'm still trying to keep up with posting something at least once a month thing. I'll try to refrain myself from posting about the anniversary in May. When Archive was released for the first time, I thought it was an excellent way to deliver lore in a PvE mode. Players could learn more about Overwatch's pa

My Unusual List of Songs Meant For Train Rides

I thought I did a good job updating my blog for 2019. It's only a post a month but it's better than nothing. There's not much I want to share on my blog for March but I just want to post something, just to keep the streak going. I thought of posting something a little bit different for this post in March. It's a bit random compared to my usual topics, but I've thought about it for a long time. Since I worked in KL, I took the train to work every day. As a person that dislikes driving, I have no problems travelling with public transport even though it takes up two hours of my life every day. I think I fell in love with taking trains after travelling in Singapore and Japan. I listen to music whenever I'm on the train, even when if I can find a seat and fall asleep. My playlist consists of my all-time favourite songs, mainly pop songs and game music. As I update my list with newer favourites, I tend to remove songs I don't listen as much anymore. There

Thoughts about HTTYD: The Hidden World

On the first of February, I went to the cinema with my brother and a close friend of mine to watch How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World. It's the third and last film for the almost decade-long series. If you didn't know or aren't my Twitter follower, I am a huge fan of HTTYD. I became so impatient when they wouldn't enter the theatre on time. I kept mentioning that I waited five years for this, and I didn't want to miss any second of it. We did miss a few seconds of the movie because I went to the bathroom. After the movie ended and the credits started to roll, I didn't really know how to feel about the movie. I told myself some time to gather my thoughts about the movie. I wrote my first draft while I was celebrating Chinese New Year in my hometown, but I had to stop myself to think about it again. I'm wondering if I should watch the movie again and think it through but I don't know when the movie will be available for streaming so I


It’s almost a month into 2019 but I’m only posting about my thoughts about 2018 now. You know why? Because I’m a Chinese and our new year only starts at February! Just kidding, I’m lazy and I have no excuse for not updating my blog. Well, this post required more time as it includes more of my feelings and thoughts, but here it is. Before I begin my rant, forgive me if I don't make much sense in translate my feelings into words correctly and sound like I'm all over the place. --- Everyone didn't seem to like 2018. Personally, I feel indifferent. There are just too many days to summarize my whole year, yet at the same time, there wasn't any life-changing event that occurred during the year. For most parts of the year, I worked. Most days were the same: I get up, I go to work, I get home, and I sleep. The cycle repeats. It did occur to me that this could be the rest of my life, just like how everyone is doing the same. An average person living his