
Showing posts from 2008

MaMa Miia!!

I doubt that you don't know the world's smash hit musical : MammaMia! A musical that is loved from all around the world with the songs and musics performed by ABBA. There is also a movie called MamaMia, and if you already watched the movie, I suggest you not to watch the musical because you already know what is going on and it won't be interesting :( On the 28th of December, I went with my mother, aunt and uncle to watch the musical. Yeap, the tickets were damn expensive, but I have to say, it's worth it. So we sat down at a quite good spot and the show started. The story is about a girl getting married and wants her father to be there too. But the problem is, she doesn't know who is her father is. She read her mother's diary and found out that her mother fell in love with three guys and invited three of them to the wedding. But things get complicated when her mother found out her plan and blah blah blah... You find out the story yourself :) The story goes along

Nothing better to do :P

Eekkz. I had nothing better to do so I decided to do what I loved most! Drawing! :) Here is what I did just a while ago ~ Click here to see the original size I drawn it with paint and also coloured it with paint. Then, I add the effects with photoshop. Kinda love the light effects~ My brother said it was like doorway to heaven LOL I kinda agree too :x I appreciate comments and criticism!

I had enough

Seriously. Isn't he tired of this? I cannot take it anymore. I just want to. KILL HIM. It's my damn brother again. Making life so uneasy for all of us, and being an idiot. So we were at my grandmother's house today and everyone was talking. It was okay when my brother just OPENED HIS DAMN MOUTH AND EVERYTHING JUST HAD TO GO WRONG. Okay I just have to express my feelings. Maybe it means nothing to you, but I just want to type it out = = WARNING - Crappy English and maybe lots of CAPS LOCK Tell you what larh bro, if you hate Malaysia so much, and you say you rather live in Bangladesh, GO AHEAD AND MOVE LARH . Go, we don't care if you go and move. Just go! Later when you want us to help, don't find us. Heh , isn't you say you rather live there? THERE YOU GO, BANGLADESH! You think you can say whatever you want ar ? You don't need to think before you say anything larh ? Say like everything so easy. When you go outside arh , people beat you up you die liao lorh


Lately my big brother and my mother are having problems communicating with each other. They will always end up arguing whenever they say something. My big brother is 17 years old right now. Before he was facing his SPM, he was just slacking off and kept staring at the computer. Whenever my mother isn't around, he will secretly turn on the computer until she tells him to stop. As a mother, of course you will tell your children to focus on any exams, especially SPM. But NO, he wouldn't listen. So my mother decide to ban all of us from the computer, including me and my second brother. Again, he ignore what my mother says and doing whatever he wants. He would always complaint that my mother doesn't give him FREEDOM . HELLO BROTHER! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO DOESN'T STUDY. SO YOU DON'T NEED TO STUDY AND JUST SLACK OFF EVERYDAY EVEN YOU ARE FACING YOUR SPM!? MOM ALREADY SAY THAT IF YOU STUDY, SHE WILL LET YOU USE THE COMPUTER. BUT WHO IS THAT WHO DOESN'T LISTEN!? YOU! AN

An Interesting Talk?

Yesterday I had my ballet lessons for 2 hours. It was sooo tired x___x After having my lessons, I went downstairs and waited for my mother. My class started at 7:30pm and ends at 9:30pm. So I thought : "She should be here right about now." Unfortunately, she didn't came. I wanted to call her and suddenly a man came up and ask : "What grade are you learning?" I was shocked, asking my self "What the? Who is this? Why is he talking to me?" The guy looks kinda old and maybe 40++. I think he was a father of a girl, also learning ballet same like me. Only, that girl had a father waiting for her. Not like me, waiting for my mother. D: I answered back : " I am learning Intermediate and Grade 6." But I think he only heard Grade 6 and said : "Oh, so you have a few years to finish your ballet lessons." I didn't know what to say next and kept quiet. And he continue : "So you have the learn until Grade 8? Or Grade 10?" I correcte

Beautiful Trees :D

Around my neighbourhood, there are trees that actually blossoms flowers and covers the whole trees like the ones in Japan or Korea. They come in pink or white colour, but mostly white in my area. Well I am not sure what kind of trees are they, but they are so beautiful that I MUST take pictures of it x) Here are some pictures : Pink! The actual flower Haha, I like this picture very much :DD

The Awesome Grand Jeté :O

My ballet class started like usual. We started doing warm ups and exercise. Today's music was - Cannon O2JAM VERSION. And how my teacher got this music? I know who ~ >_> We started the class with some point work and OUCH~ my toes hurt. My shoes are also getting soft.. EEK. Then, we have some pilates exercise given by Mrs Gan, my ballet teacher :D After some rest, we did Grand Jeté almost all the way! What is Grand Jeté? THIS IS GRAND JETE. AND THIS. THESE ARE THE AWESOME GRAND JETE. *ahem* The last picture isn't Grand Jete. I forget the name =/ Then, we have Miss Gan and Huan Hao carrying 1 person's both arms, and when she or he jumps in the air and do the Grand Jeté, they have to lift her or him up HIGHER. When it was mine turn, OH MY DEAR GOD IT WAS SO HIGH! And fun! x) And YAY~ Today's class was fun~ :D

Beijing 2008 :D

HEY IT'S THE ONCE IN FOUR YEARS ~ Olympic ! This time's olympic was located a Beijing, China. And I am sure all the chinese will be proud! :D Yesterday was the openning of the great event. Nope, I didn't fly to Beijing but watch it at my house with Astro - THE BEST SEAT IS IN YOUR HOUSE. :O The openning was AWESOME! Fireworks, performance are just great. The scene was ... I just don't know how to explain it. Great, awesome, excellent. WOW. I think all the performers practise for like, 10 months before that great day. Hard work. Eeks. The openning also introduce other countries' people about chinese tradisional culture. But that took a long time, not getting to the main point - the olympic. Blah blah blah, after some performance, it's the time the countries enter the stadium. There are over 200 countries coming in, so it took a long time. Slowly coming in one by one. I am sure the dancers are dancing until their legs are tired. They dance the whole way from the