13th of September - SG's US.

Singapore's Universal Studio, if you don't get it.


Actually, the trip wasn't meant for us. It was actually my mother and her sisters' plan to go down to a Singapore casino and gamble, free of charge. My mother took this opportunity to do something in SG, so she didn't gamble much.

On the other hand, we kids get to go to Universal Studio Singapore. Like I said, I was excited because I get to ride the roller coasters or some thrilling ride.

We depart from Malacca early in the morning. And it took about four hours to get to our destination. You don't know how excited we were when we finally saw the rotating globe of Universal Studio.

This was actually taken before we left.

Without wasting any time, we stormed to the entrance. I was instantly amazed by the buildings and decorations they had. Of course, we took photos.

Besides beautiful building, restaurants, souvenir shops and rides, they had mascots of characters from different movies! I wanted to take photos with those guys but every time I got close to them, the staff said it was time to go. After three tries, I only got to take photo with the penguins from Madagascar.

"Finally!", I thought. LOL.

In USS, there are total of seven theme parks. New York, Hollywood, The Lost World, Sci-fi City, Madagascar, The Land of Far Far Away, and Ancient Egypt. Being eight hours there is enough to go through all the parks.

Madagascar wasn't really anything because the rides weren't all open so all you can do is listen to the 'I Like to Move It' song.

At Far Far Away, we had a ride called the Enchanted Airways. Wasn't really a long wait, but the ride wasn't enough thrilling enough for me. :P There was also the Shrek 4D Adventure and the Donkey Live Performance.

Shrek 4D was fun but I have seen better in Australia. To make things worse, me and my cousin got on the wrong seat. Our seat won't shake as much as others and I could see the people in front was like riding a roller coaster while ours just budge a little.

The beautiful entrance to the Shrek 4D Adventure.

Donkey Performance Live was kinda like a waste of time to me. I'm not a fan of the Donkey but there is a thing that is interesting there. In there, you can actually talk to the Donkey like he is real. I don't know how they do it, but it amazes me.

Listen to the Donkey sing ! Like I really care. (Sorry for the poor quality.)

Next up was the Lost World that consists Waterworld and Jurassic Park. I didn't get to sit any of the ride in Jurassic Park. The Canopy Flyer had problems causing delay. The Dino-Soarin' was a kiddy ride. And the Rapids Adventure expect us to wait for 80 minutes in line.

While we were queuing for the Canopy Flyer I was losing my patience. We decide to go for the Waterworld Performance that was at noon. By the time we made the decision, it was already 11.58 a.m., LOL.

The performance was wonderful. The story took place after the icebergs both in North and South pole melted and all the dry land was flooded. Survivors had to create something that float on the water and seek for the legendary 'dry land'. However, there is a group of people called the 'Smokers'(I think) trying to get to 'dry land' first.

It was a show filled with explosion and stunts. The people who died just fall from great heights and into the water. Lots of water splashing if you're sitting in the front row.

Where Waterworld performance take place.

The next theme park was Egypt. Now this park is a park that you should not miss.

I googled about this park and I was in a dilemma either to ride the Revenge of the Mummy or stay outside in the sun. To be honest, I was freaking out when I got into the entrance. Luckily, my cousin was there to be afraid with me, haha.

Entrance. Damn scary.

After entering, you have to walk a damn long way to reach to the ride. And it was a little dark, and I think there's eerie music playing. Let's not forget there are huge statues around there, and I'm scared of them.

It took a little while until we saw a sign of human being. It was daaaark, but because there was life around me, I wasn't really that afraid. And I had my hoodie to protect my head, haha.

When it was finally our turn (didn't took long), we were sitting at the last row and the girls in the middle, since we're most afraid. When I knew the ride was starting, my hands flew to my face, leaving a little space for my eyes to see.

And them BAM, we're off. The ride was totally what they describe - thrilling, almost unpredictable, all the in the dark. If you want to ask what I saw, I'm afraid I can't answer you because my hands were covering my eyes. The whole ride.

Even with my eyes closed, I could still feel how the ride went. It was a high speed ride with sudden stops and sudden reversing action. If it wasn't a scary ride, I would totally enjoyed.

If I had the chance, I'll ride this again, with my eyes open.

We still spend some time at the Egypt theme park after the Revenge of the Mummy. We ate a little and then took a ride that made us wait for 15 minutes. Was the ride worth it? No.

Treasure Hunter was something like riding a cart. It's similar to the Genting's antique car ride, except you can't drive it like at Genting, cancelling all the fun. The ride was short and kinda boring. I could see all people having a dissatisfied face after taking that ride, haha.

While waiting for the the ride. Sometimes I even wonder why there's a long queue.

I think Sci-fi City was the main reason why I was there at USS. Because it had two rides that would make this trip complete. Unfortunately, it was closed due to maintenance. I heard one of the seat fell off during test run, lol.

So we only had a ride called the Accelerator. We were just spinning in circles.

Couldn't upload the picture of the roller coasters. ):

New York was the last theme park we went. There were buildings, buildings, and more buildings. And a lot of people.

Yellow cab in New York CITTEEEEEHHH.

Is this real? LOL. See the tracks behind the signboard? I wanted to ride that roller coaster.

There was an attraction showing us how Hollywood movies make their scenes or something like that. Man, the effects were realistic and make you go wow. Definitely worth watching.

We had our lunch at a restaurant at New York. We had burger, fries and a big drink. Man, it was so hard to find seats. All four of us had to cram into a small table and asking extra chairs from people.

One of the cars outside the restaurant.

We had vouchers for food and souveniors and we did use them up. When we were browsing a shop selling all kinds of Universal Studio products, me and my cousin decided to buy a fridge magnet because wow, the prices and high.

Then I noticed my brother and my another cousin didn't buy anything at all. >_> So I used their vouchers and bought meself a shirt. HAHAHAHHAHAHA. The shirt is very pretty.

After that, we met with our parents and got on the bus on our way home. I was feeling sick during the ride and I was so refreshed after taking a shower. Then later that night, I slept for 13 hours.

Overall, I think if you really want to go to USS, you should wait till all the rides are open. Or else it's very wasted. But it was fun.


School is reopening soon ~


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