
Never on earth had I ever seen such cheap price before my eyes.

With a basket in my hand, I paced around the book-filled store, staring every price stickers on every book. I couldn't believe my eyes as I simply grabbed a random book, thinking this isn't really right.

Hearing about this bookstore called XCESS was like a joke from my friend. I was like, What? No way. But oh my Gray Fullbuster was I wrong.

In this store located at Amcorp Mall, it sells all kinds of books with a difference, that is - I'm going to say again - real damn cheap price. Books that normally cost RM30+ could fall to just RM10+.

It kinda felt like heaven as I walked towards the section where I normally bought books. If the security camera zoomed into my face, it could capture my silly happy face as I browse all the books on the shelf.

On that day, I bought seven books. My mother said it was enough for me to not buy books for one year. I took it seriously, lol. And it was then I decided to never go to other bookstores every again, not even Popular.

And what do you know, just few days after that, there was a book fair called the Big Bad Wolf. We were actually given a bookmark on how to find the Big Bad Wolf, but at first we had no idea what it is.

The newspaper got us answers about the book fair that sells - wait for it - damn cheap books. To be honest, I was lazy to go there, I mean I already bought seven books. That's a lot for me to read. I'm not even sure I can read finish all of them.

But my mother said it was once or twice a year and we decided to give it a go. Even in the early morning, the bookfair located at South City Plaza was swarmed with people. People from all ages were holding boxes to carry damn cheap books.

Unlike other people who were carrying heaps of books, I had a hard time choosing one. I kept walking around, around and around. Then I headed back to my mother who was browsing the cooking section.

In the end, I still bought books. I didn't feel as satisfied as last time because the books I bought don't really attract me, but there was a few that I wanted to read I wanted to read long time ago. This time, I was sure I don't have to buy books for one year, or maybe one year and a half.

But the conclusion is, I bought lots of damn cheap books. That's all.


Nomnomnomnomnomnom. SUBWAY.


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