
Showing posts from December, 2011

Regrets, Mistakes, Memories.

Once again, it is the time, to say goodbye. I think I'm quite ready to say farewell to this year, because it wasn't really a good one for me. However, I'm reluctant to say hi to the new year. Because I'm quite sure it's gonna be worse. 2011 started miserable for me. I was separated from my friends, thrown into a class of people I don't really know. Even now, I only had a friend to rely on. I was so lonely, but enough of that. Studying became harder. I was struggling the whole year as we learn new subjects. In fact the only thing I remember through out the year was me struggling. I copied a lot of homework too. Not that I'm proud. Even if we're separated, true friends will still be friends. I'm glad I'm still able to spend time with my friends and I love them more and more everyday. Ahh, I also remember I was busy. Every week I had to attend my Ballet lessons and rush to tuition. My hair will be wet after taking a shower and it doesn't help wh

Dear You.

Don't break my heart and I won't break yours. I will keep the promise so please don't repeat the situation again. I won't ask for much, just being there is enough. May this last till the end, may we swim this ocean of obstacles together. くコ:彡 ♡ ★ --- I never met someone so kind like you. If I hadn't met you I think my days would be darker. Thank you for being with me through the ups and downs, no matter you're beside me or not. ♡ --- Just to let you all know how much I love you, these tears are proof for you all. ♡ --- Under this endless sky, we're still on the same earth. We breathe the same air and even though we're miles apart, our hearts stay connected. ♡ --- I have finally seen your face, but I'm sure you didn't saw mine. Even if you did, I'll never last more than a second in your memory. Unrequited love? Ha, it's worse than that. However, you're still in my heart. ♡ --- Just be friends. We're less than that. --- Now I&#

18th of December - Comic Fiesta 2011 Day 2.

Wait, what about Day 1? I can't blog about it because I only went for Day 2. :D --- Packed, the LRT was. I was standing beside the door while my brother held on the handle bar. We're on our way to KLCC, where the even Comic Fiesta is held. To be more exact, KLCC Convention Centre Hall 5. Ugh, I'm considered unlucky. Because for the past three years when I couldn't go, CF was held at Sunway, which is much more nearer to where I'm living. But I promised myself I won't miss this event. Even if I had to miss my cousin's wedding's dinner. Thanks to dear Hana, we didn't have to queue up to get our tickets. But still we had to join a long line just to get into Hall 4, where all the amazing cosplayers are. Also, if we didn't spotted three cosplayers at Suria KLCC, I think we'll be having a hard time finding where the hell is Hall 5. The moment I stepped into Hall 4, I was like awestrucked. Cosplayers here and there, left and right. I felt so excited

4th of December - JLPT Test.

64. Sixty four. Enam puluh empat. 六十四。 I guess I should be happy. Somehow I'm neutral. I should get better. --- Hmm, after a year of learning Japanese, I am finally taking the JLPT test to test my skills. It's not like I'm really good or anything. >__> I'm taking the lowest of all, N5. From the start, I really wanted to take this test. You know, I have this dream of going to Japan and it doesn't hurt to new language. If I didn't take this test, I wouldn't study. Then if I didn't study, my language skills will go all waste. Just watching anime wouldn't help, LOL. Anyways, taking a test is fine. Yes yes, it's totally fine. Yes, taking a test at a gigantic hall filled with hundreds of strangers and having examiners staring at you is totally fine. Plus, taking this test all on your own is wonderfully fine, NOT. I didn't expect my brother not to take the test with me and I'm terrified. My classmates also had no interest taking this test,

Guitar Fever.

Ever since Guitar mode was introduced to AuditionSEA, I can say it successfully attracted many players' attention. It is considered quite popular, but still the amount of guitarist isn't really many though. An arena was created for the Guitar lovers and at first I'm not really happy about it because BU still doesn't have its' own arena. But anyways, I love guitar and Audition has entertained the guitar players by organizing some events and competitions for us. I took part almost all of them, along with my friends too. Yesterday, Audition organized an in-game event for us. Half and hour ahead of the scheduled time, I was already spamming into the channel the event took place. I think organizing the event at the first channel is unwise. Because other people not involved will just be in the way. =/ The event was Guitar BP against the GMs. Three players will versus three GMs and they must beat the scores of the GMs in order to win prizes. The problem is, there are so ma