Dear You.

Don't break my heart and I won't break yours.
I will keep the promise so please don't repeat the situation again.
I won't ask for much, just being there is enough.
May this last till the end, may we swim this ocean of obstacles together.


I never met someone so kind like you.
If I hadn't met you I think my days would be darker.
Thank you for being with me through the ups and downs,
no matter you're beside me or not.


Just to let you all know how much I love you,
these tears are proof for you all.


Under this endless sky, we're still on the same earth.
We breathe the same air and even though we're miles apart,
our hearts stay connected.


I have finally seen your face, but I'm sure you didn't saw mine.
Even if you did, I'll never last more than a second in your memory.
Unrequited love? Ha, it's worse than that.
However, you're still in my heart.


Just be friends.
We're less than that.


Now I'll go to bed because you told me to.
I guess I'll do things for you, because I love you.
If there are things that I learn from you, it's experiences.
Awesome, you are.


Coincidence? I think we have more things in common than I thought.
You'd probably ignore and look away, and I might act like I don't care.
But in my mind, in my heart,
you're done so much in my life.
Again, I'll act.


Inserting random pictures.
The end.


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